More New Loot Is Coming To Destiny 2's Season Of The Chosen, Including Returning Exotic Catalysts

The Season of the Chosen, Destiny 2‘s next content drop, is bringing a lot of changes and rewards to the game–including revamped loot on the Moon and in the Dreaming City, as well as the return of Umbral Engrams. There will also be more incentives to jump into high-level activities, with new loot available in the Trials of Osiris player-vs.-player event and in the player-vs.-environment activity Nightfall: The Ordeal. The new season kicks off on February 9.

Bungie outlined the additional loot rewards in its last This Week at Bungie blog post of the Season of the Hunt. It details the new armor for the Trials of Osiris that Bungie teased on Twitter, while providing some new details. In addition to the new armor, there are three new weapons players can earn in Trials: a pulse rifle, a sword, and a hand cannon.

In addition to that, Trials will offer new cosmetic rewards for players to earn, although they’ll be tougher to come by. These include a Trials-themed Ghost shell, sparrow, and ship, the latter two of which sound like they’ll only be available if you earn a “Flawless” run in the PvP event. That requires you and your team to win seven straight matches without losing any. Go Flawless and you’ll have a chance to earn the ship or sparrow in addition to your usual rewards of armor and “Adept” versions of Trials weapons, which feature enhanced stats. Every time you go Flawless, your chances of earning the sparrow and ship increase.

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The Ghost shell will be a little easier to come by. Trials dishes out loot rewards at three, five, and seven wins (even if you’re not Flawless), and each of these drops provides a chance at the shell. So even if you’re not a PvP god in Destiny 2, you can still potentially earn some cool new stuff if you take part.

For players who prefer the PvE side, Bungie announced it’s bringing three weapons back from Destiny 1 to work as rewards for playing Nightfall: The Ordeal, Destiny 2’s high-level Strike playlist. Those guns are The Swarm, a machine gun; Palindrome, a hand cannon; and Shadow Price, an auto rifle. The weapons have a chance to drop in any Nightfall: The Ordeal activity, but the tougher the difficulty and the higher the medal you earn in the activity, the better your chances.

Bungie also detailed this season’s new Ritual weapon, which players can earn by completing a quest and playing Destiny 2’s “ritual activities”: Strikes, Crucible matches, and Gambit matches. The weapon is a breech-loading grenade launcher called Salvager’s Salvo.

Finally, Destiny 2 will see several Exotic catalysts–special quests that power up some of the game’s best guns–come out of the “content vault” next season. Players could no longer earn these catalysts starting with Beyond Light because the content where they were found was removed from the game, but Bungie is making them available again in the Season of the Chosen.

Here’s the list of Exotic catalysts coming back:

Bad JujuIzanagi’s BurdenSleeper SimulantThe HuckleberryWorldline ZeroPolaris LanceTelestoLegend of AcriusSkyburner’s Oath

Check out the rest of the details on this week’s TWAB. Destiny 2’s Season of the Chosen kicks off with the weekly reset on February 9.

About Phil Hornshaw

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