Three new games will arrive on Xbox Game Pass today–including Toem–with six more joining the subscription service over the next couple of weeks. Microsoft has filled out the July 2023 additions and even revealed Celeste will come to the program August 1.
For starters, Toem, The Cave, and Techtonica will be available today on Xbox Game Pass, according to Xbox Wire. In GameSpot’s Toem review, Steve Watts called the photo adventure game “a simple, cute fable about growing up and engaging with the world.” Meanwhile, The Cave was originally released in 2013 and directed by one of the creative leads behind Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island, Ron Gilbert.
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Now Playing: Toem – Exclusive Exploration Gameplay [Play For All 2021]
The rest of the second-wave July additions include Maquette, Figment 2: Creed Valley, The Wandering Village, Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem, and Venba. As noted above, Celeste is part of this list, too, but will actually come to Xbox Game Pass at the start of next month. In GameSpot’s Celeste review, we said, “It’s a testament to convincing writing and ingenious design that after playing Celeste I felt like I’d been on the same journey as Madeline.”
All of these titles follow the first wave of Xbox Game Pass July 2023 titles, which saw the surprise return of GTA 5. The last time the Rockstar game had been part of the catalog was in 2021.
Xbox Game Pass will also lose five more games soon, like Marvel’s Avengers and The Ascent.
Xbox Game Pass New Additions
Techtonica (Cloud, Console, and PC) – July 18Toem (Cloud, Console, and PC) – July 18The Cave (Cloud and Console) – July 18Maquette (Console and PC) – July 19Figment 2: Creed Valley (Cloud, Console, and PC) – July 20The Wandering Village (Cloud, Console, and PC) – July 20Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem (Cloud, PC, and Xbox Series X|S) – July 25Venba (Console and PC) – July 31Celeste (Cloud, Console, and PC) – August 1Biggest Hidden Gems Of 2018: Celeste, Iconoclasts, And MoreSee More