Mortal Kombat 1 Is Missing A Huge Chunk Of A Key Mode On Switch At Launch

Mortal Kombat 1 launches today, and it ushers in a new era for the franchise thanks to reimagined characters and a brand-new story. This new era has not started well for the Nintendo Switch version, however, as the game’s lackluster graphics are joined by a key mode missing the majority of its content.

Invasions mode–a single-player mode where players travel across board-game-like areas completing missions and minigames–only features the introductory Cage Mansion stage on Switch at launch. The first season of Invasions content, which features Scorpion, is not immediately available on the console.

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Warner Bros. addressed the issue with a short post on the official Mortal Kombat support site. The post apologizes for the missing content, and it says it was removed “to ensure the best possible experience for Switch players at launch.” According to WB, the full first season of Invasions content will be available “in a matter of weeks.” Seasons of Invasions mode are meant to be available for a limited time, and we have reached out to Warner Bros. to see if the length of the first season will be affected by the delay on the Switch.

The Nintendo Switch version of Mortal Kombat 1 has been maligned since early access for the game began last week. Those who purchased the game noticed a significant downgrade in visuals between the Switch version and other consoles, with some calling the $70 price tag “disrespectful.”

Mortal Kombat 1 is now available on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The first Kombat Pass–which features Quan Chi, Ermac, Takeda, Omni-Man, Peacemaker, and Homelander–is also available, though no character release dates have been announced to date.

Mortal Kombat 1 Roster – Every Confirmed Character So FarSee More

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