Mortal Kombat 1 Latest Patch Gives Higher Attack Priority To Specific Kameo Characters

NetherRealm Studios has released the latest patch notes for its fighting game Mortal Kombat 1. The update makes a number of changes to various characters, such as Havik, Kung Lao, and Sub-Zero, while improving general gameplay.

There’s now been a correction on move lists, and localizations have been fixed. You’ll also no longer have to fear some of Stryker’s and Sektor’s attacks being unblockable. Additionally, the error that allowed player two to push their opponent further away from them in certain combos has also been fixed.

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In addition to these gameplay updates, there are some changes coming to specific characters. Now, whenever Havik performs Decaying Gaurd, it’ll no longer auto-face their opponents. Kung Lao will now auto-face enemies when Kung-Kussion is done correctly. Character changes weren’t limited to the main cast either. There’s a handful of Kameo characters that are also receiving some changes.

Shujinko can no longer use Mimic Ice Klone and Ice Ball back-to-back after Time Stop has hit an opponent. Jax’s Ground Pound and Goro’s Stomp attack will now be a higher priority whenever a player attacks hit on the same frame.

Listed below are the official patch notes:

General Gameplay Adjustments

Move list correctionsLocalization fixesFixed an issue that could cause Player 2 to push their opponent away further during certain combo sequencesFixed an issue that could cause buffered Kombo Attacks Strings & buffered 2in1-cancelled non Enhanced Special Moves to not be performed if a Kameo Ambush attack that can be canceled or branched from was executed with specific timingFixed an issue causing some of Stryker’s & Sektor’s attacks to be unbreakable

Character Specific Adjustments

Ashrah – Fixed an issue that could cause Crushing Knee (Towards + Back Kick) to pass through opponents while attackingGoro (Kameo) – Stomp is now higher priority when it & his partner’s attacks hit on the same frameHavik – Decaying Guard (Back Punch, Front Punch) and Flesh Wound (Back Punch, Back Punch) no longer auto faceJax (Kameo) – Ground Pound is now higher priority when it & his partner’s attacks hit on the same frameKung Lao – Kung-Kussion will now auto face when done on the landing frame after jumping over an opponentShujinko (Kameo) – Mimic Ice Klone & Ice Ball will no longer be repeated by an opponent hit by Time Stop

Fixed issues with the following attacks not working correctly against high parry special moves


God’s Wrath and Demon’s Wrath can now be high parriedLight Ascension and Dark Ascension can now be high parried


(Air) Death Spin can no longer be high parriedReflex Tester (Back + Front Punch) can no longer be high parriedBleeding Foot (Back + Front Kick) second hit can no longer be high parried

General Shao

Power Strike can now be high parriedFixed parry inconsistency between Devastator and Klassic Kahn. Both can no longer be high parried

Johnny Cage

Ball Buster can now be high parriedRising Star can now be high parriedShadow Kick can now be high parried


Sento Stance Lost Way (Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch) can no longer be high parried

Kung Lao

Knee Buckle (Back + Front Kick) can now be high parried

Li Mei

(Air) Flipping Heel Kick can no longer be high parriedNo Holds Barred (Back + Front Kick, Back Kick) can no longer be high parried


Enhanced Bad Blood can no longer be high parried


Electric Fly and (Air) Electric Fly can no longer be high parried


Enhanced Upflow can no longer be high parriedGeyser can no longer be high parried


Death Roll can no longer be high parriedFalling Fangs can no longer be high parried


Twisted Kyo can now be high parried

Shang Tsung

Old Form Goal Kick (Forward + Font Kick) can no longer be high parried


Enhanced Low Hairball first hit (kick attack) can now be high parried


Ice Slide can no longer be high parried


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About Luis Joshua Gutierrez

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