Mortal Kombat 1 Omni-Man Gameplay Trailer Shows The Viltrumite In Action

The first guest character for Mortal Kombat 1 is coming soon, as Omni-Man from Invincible is set to join the playable roster on November 9. NetherRealm Studios has released a new gameplay trailer focused entirely on the new combatant, and it gives players a taste of what’s in store when he arrives.

Omni-Man’s moveset is a blend of close-quarters brawling and ultra-fast movement, as he can close the gap between himself and his foes with supersonic flight. The trailer shows off multiple punch combos, throws, an air-clap projectile, and some instant-speed movement options as he battles with Raiden, Kenshi, and Kung Lao.

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Now Playing: Mortal Kombat 1 – Official Omni-Man Gameplay Reveal Trailer

The Omni-Man gameplay trailer also shows off both his Fatal Blow technique and one of his two Fatalities, both of which are taken straight from the Invincible source material–and both from his battle with his son Mark. His Fatal Blow references the end of that father/son fight as he bludgeons his opponent with his fists, while his Fatality sees him recreate a certain iconic (and bloody) subway scene.

The trailer also highlights Tremor, the next Kameo Fighter, who will be added to the game alongside Omni-Man. Tremor can produce massive balls of molten rock to smash on opponents, raise the earth to trip up foes, and create a rock shield to protect the main fighter in a pinch.

Mortal Kombat 1 is available now for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Omni-Man and Tremor are available as part of Kombat Pack 1, which can be purchased separately for $40.

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