Mortal Kombat 1 Teaser Shows First Look At Homelander In Action

Omni-Man and Peacemaker made waves when they joined the Mortal Kombat 1 roster as guest characters in the past few months, but one more teased guest has yet to make his debut. During the MK1 Pro Kompetition over the weekend, we got a quick look at that final guest, Homelander from The Boys, and the tease is equally exciting and nauseating, just like the source material.

The Homelander teaser is only 45 seconds long, but there’s a lot packed into the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it preview. After a, uh, unique intro scene where the supervillain stops to quench his thirst, the teaser previews both of Homelander’s Fatalities–one uses Homelander’s heat vision, the other makes creative use of a commercial plane flying overhead.

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Now Playing: Mortal Kombat 1 Homelander Official First Look Trailer

A major question surrounding the upcoming character is who will be voicing him, as while this version of Homelander looks like his actor Antony Starr, Starr recently said on Instagram that he wasn’t going to portray his character in MK1. We do get to hear Homelander speak briefly, but the three words aren’t enough to determine whose voice it is.

While Homelander is the final guest character in Mortal Kombat 1’s first Kombat Pass, he will be the fifth of six characters added to the roster via the expansion. He is preceded by Omni-Man, Quan Chi, Peacemaker, and Ermac, and Takeda will close out the pass’s content later this year.

Mortal Kombat 1 is available now on Xbox Series X|S. PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The Kombat Pass is also available now, both as a standalone purchase and included in the premium editions of the game.

Mortal Kombat 1 Roster – Every Confirmed Character So FarSee More

About Jason Fanelli

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