NetherRealm has announced that Mortal Kombat 1 will not feature cross-play functionality at launch. However, it will arrive in the future through a post-launch patch.
“Launch is just around the corner and we can’t wait for everyone to sink their teeth into #MK1,” the developer said in a tweet. “Regarding Kross-Play, it will not be available at launch, but know we are hard at work at implementing the feature into the game and it will be koming post launch.”
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Unfortunately, this means that PC, PlayStation, Switch, and Xbox players are siloed in multiplayer matches to their own platforms until the patch comes.
However, NetherRealm has been actively dishing out more information about the game ahead of its official launch on September 19; Early Access buyers can begin playing it on September 14. Nitara is returning as a playable character after 17 years of being absent from the franchise and is played by none other than Megan Fox. Additionally, Jean-Claude Van Damme will star as an alternate costume for Johnny Cage.
Noteworthy characters from other properties will be added to the game through its Kombat Packs, including Homelander from the Boys and Omni-Man from Invincible.
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