Mortal Kombat 11 Balance Patch Nerfs Sheeva's Health

Mortal Kombat 11 is still getting balance patches two years after release. The latest one makes some significant changes to various expansion characters who have been criticized as overpowered, particularly Sheeva and Cetrion. The update is now live across PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

The patch adjusts various characters’ health, mostly in the form of reducing them for nerfs. Sheeva, Joker, and Cetrion were all reduced to 950 health (from 1000). Sheeva also got some fine-tuning for the hitbox and recovery frames for Dragon Drop. Meanwhile, RoboCop was buffed to 1100 health (from 1050) and his Don’t Move Creep move has gotten more generous active frames.

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Various other changes have been made to Fujin, Rambo, and Shao Kahn. Many of the changes have hit relatively recent characters, leaving the original set included with the base game alone. Sheeva seems to be getting the most attention from fans on the Mortal Kombat subreddit, with many calling her balance changes overdue, while others criticize health changes as an oversimple solution.

A Mortal Kombat movie adaptation recently hit HBO Max, and is still available to stream for a while longer before it rotates out of the service. You can check out the full list of balance changes below.

Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Balance Changes

Sheeva – Now has 950 health (down from 1000)Sheeva – Slightly narrowed the hit region for Dragon Drop & it now has a set delay time when delayed & 30 more recovery frames on miss or when hit hitting armorJoker – Now has 950 health (down from 1000)Cetrion – Now has 950 health (down from 1000)Cetrion – Slightly reduced the damage when blocked & flawless blocked of Deadly Winds & Deadly Winds AmplifiedFujin – Adjusted the victim regions of Knee Buckler (Down + Front Kick)RoboCop – Now has 1100 health (up from 1050)RoboCop – Don’t Move Creep (Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch) now has 2 more active frames & 5 less recovery frames on blockRambo – First Blood (Towards + Front Punch, Back Punch) has 3 less recovery frames on blockRambo – Diddy-Bopping (Away + Back Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick) has more pushback on block & 5 more blockstun framesShao Kahn – You Will Never Win (Towards + Front Kick, Back Kick) now has 3 less recovery frames & can now be 2in1 cancelled when flawless blockedShao Kahn – Hammer Lunge now has less pushback on block & 10 less recovery frames on block & missShao Kahn – Hammer Lunge Amplify now has more pushback on block, 5 more blockstun frames & 15 less recovery frames on missShao Kahn – Ground Shatter has 4 less rec frames & more pushback on blockShao Kahn – Ground Shatter Amplify now has more pushback on block, 10 more blockstun frames, & is now a mid block

About Steve Watts

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