Mortal Kombat's Joe Taslim Has Signed On For Four Sequels

In a recent interview with Variety, action star Joe Taslim reveals that he has officially signed on for four more Mortal Kombat sequels as Sub-Zero if Warner Bros. decides to move forward with future installments. The Mortal Kombat reboot hits theaters and HBO Max this week and fans of the franchise have been hyped since the first trailer dropped.

“If this one’s successful, maybe we do more,” Taslim said on the Just For Variety podcast. The actor also opened up about his past with the ultra-violent and hit video game series, and how he was addicted to it early in his life.

“I was born in South Sumatra,” he said, which is a province of Indonesia. “We were poor so I didn’t have the console because it’s expensive. I went to my friend’s house every day to play the game. But you get there and there are like ten kids lining up. Who wins keeps playing, so it takes me to get to my part like 40 minutes.”

The first seven minutes of the movie has been released, showing a fight between the immortal villains Bi-Han, later known as Sub-Zero, and Scorpion–then a human man named Hanzo Hasashi–played by Japanese action icon Hiroyuki Sanada.

With the new Mortal Kombat hitting theaters and HBO Max this Friday, April 23, we at least now know Sub-Zero’s fate if Taslim is coming back, but the rest of Earth’s warriors and Outworld’s monsters have yet to be seen. It is worth noting though, that Sub-Zero is more of a mantle and eventually carried by the character’s brother, who was a champion of good–even being featured in a solo game, aptly titled Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero.

About Lan Pitts

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