Movies Anywhere Now Available On Samsung TVs

Movies Anywhere, the cloud-based “digital locker” and streaming platform operated by Disney, is now available for Samsung TVs according to a release. Effective immediately, consumers can download the software on any Samsung TV released since 2017. This move by Samsung finds the electronics manufacturer following in the footsteps of LG, which was the first to roll out the app in March of 2020.

Movies Anywhere works with platforms like Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu. As of this writing, there are more than 8,000 movies in the app’s catalog from major studios like Disney, Warner Bros., and Universal.

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“Developed to be a movie lover’s perfect companion,” Movies Anywhere is geared towards collectors who have embraced streaming over maintaining an exclusively physical library. The app also offers features such as “Screen Pass,” which lets you lend purchases to friends for up to 72 hours, and “Watch Together,” which allows up to eight people to share a watch party and chat room.

After a 2020 filled with so many movie releases, that makes this upcoming year more packed than usual with exciting new films. Check out our list of the biggest movies to watch–and watch out for–this year to start planning accordingly.

About David Wolinsky

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