Multiple New Battlefield "Experiences" Coming, Including Narrative Campaign From Halo Designer

Electronic Arts has made a series of announcements about the future of its Battlefield series, including the departure of a veteran developer, the name of a new studio, and a tease for the next Battlefield projects.

To begin with, EA said it wants Battlefield fans to know that EA is “all-in on Battlefield.” The company said it believes Battlefield is among the best FPS franchises in the world, and while Battlefield 2042 has faced numerous criticisms, EA isn’t giving up. In fact, the company is reiterating its previously announced plans for a “global effort” across multiple studios, to help create a “connected Battlefield universe” for years to come.

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The leadership for Battlefield going forward includes former Call of Duty boss Byron Beede and Vince Zampella (another former Call of Duty boss who later transitioned to EA) at the top, leading the overall direction of the franchise. Rebecka Coutaz will head up the Swedish studio DICE, with Christian Grass leading the studio at Ripple Effect. Alex Seropian, who co-created Halo, will remain the boss at Battlefield Mobile studio Industrial Toys.

Marcus Lehto, who designed Master Chief and co-created the Halo universe, is heading up a brand-new Battlefield studio in Seattle. EA announced today that the studio is called Ridgeline Games, and it will develop a “narrative campaign” for Battlefield. Very little is known right now, but EA said this campaign will “engage fans in new and exciting ways while remaining true to the classic elements of the series.”

Ridgeline, as a studio, aims to be a place where “everyone’s voice is valued and where creating a strong work-life balance is a priority,” EA said. “Marcus and team are excited to tell stories and take players on incredible adventures that are only possible within the Battlefield universe.”

As for DICE, it will continue to work on Battlefield’s “multiplayer suite,” EA said, while Ripple Effect will create an “entirely new Battlefield experience that will complement and build upon the series’ foundations.”

EA didn’t provide any further specifics on any of its upcoming Battlefield “experiences,” which are called that and not “games” specifically, though those terms may be interchangeable.

Another big announcement was that Battlefield creative director Lars Gustavsson, who has worked on the Battlefield series since it started in 2002, is departing the team. He is just the latest higher-up connected to Battlefield to leave, following the departure of then-DICE GM Oskar Gabrielson last year.

“I’ve dedicated a substantial portion of my life to Battlefield and I’m very proud to have helped shape this franchise into what it is today,” Gustavsson said. “However, I think it’s time for something new. Thank you for all your support over the years, especially to all the extremely talented co-workers I’ve had the pleasure to work with and, above all, the love and support from the community. I’m sure I speak for both of us when I say we’re excited to pass the baton to the next generation of Battlefield creators at DICE, Ripple Effect, Industrial Toys, and Ridgeline Games, and to see how the series evolves in their capable hands–you are ready to do this! Farewell and don’t forget to play the objective!”

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Much of this was confirmed already back in December when EA announced a major shakeup for the Battlefield series. Battlefield 2042 was the fifth best-selling game of 2021 in the US, but EA admitted it struggled in part because of developers working from home and some key design choices.

EA and DICE are continuing to support Battlefield 2042. The newest season, Master of Arms, is out now with a new map, another battle pass, and more content. Additionally, DICE is reworking specialists to resemble the old class system; this has been one of the game’s most-requested updates.

About Eddie Makuch

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