MultiVersus Open Beta Begins, July 26 Patch Notes Address Taz's Tornado Attack

Alongside the launch of the MultiVersus open beta, which is now live on all platforms, a new update for the fighting game has been released, though server maintenance is preventing players from jumping in at the time of this writing. The July 26 MultiVersus patch notes outline what’s new and different in the game, including the addition of LeBron James as a playable character, and joining a new rotation of free characters is an oft-requested change to one of the powerful moves in the game.

Taz’s Tornado–the side special attack that sees Taz spin in his trademark cyclone for multiple hits and huge knockback–will see its power dropped significantly in this new patch. Not only will the tornado hit one less time, but its ability to throw opponents off of a stage has been reduced as well.

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Now Playing: MultiVersus – LeBron Character Reveal

The MultiVersus July 26 patch also adds LeBron to the roster after he was announced at San Diego Comic-Con last week. The game will see its first free character rotation as well, with Superman, Reindog, Finn, and Garnet becoming the next four fighters players can try without the need to unlock them. The quartet will remain free until the start of Season 1 on August 8.

The patch also brings the first-ever limited-time event for the game, as the Open Beta Warp Event will allow players to earn 25 percent more gold between now and August 8.

The MultiVersus open beta is available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. The beta ended its early access period and officially opened to all players as of today. The full list of patch notes from the MultiVersus July 26 update is below.

MultiVersus Open Beta Patch Notes July 26

New Character

Lebron James has arrived! He is our first basketball-wielding character!

New Free Character Rotation (7/26 to 8/8)





New Open Beta Warp Event

For a limited time, Gold earned from matches has increased by 25% from 7/26 to 8/8



+ = Buff

– = Nerf

~ = Change

Note: Attacks callouts reference default controls.


Air/Ground Neutral AttackCooldown on Batarang increased from 13s to 14s. Pick up of Batarang returns 11.55 second up from 11.05. This means that the minimum time between Batarang throws is 2.45s up from 1.95s. Batman’s Batarang pick-up cooldown created very small windows where the Batarang wasn’t in play. This change should make it so opponents of Batman have a larger window between Batarang attacks to gain advantage.Bug FixAir/Ground Side Special: Fixed a bug where Grapple would sometimes shoot you off the map.

Bugs Bunny

Air Up AttackStartup window increased by 2 frames, active window decreased by 2 frames The hitbox made it so that Bugs Bunny hit nearly all around himself. This should make the up air a bit more reasonable to deal with.

Iron Giant

Bug FixAir Down Attack: can no longer combo into itselfAir/Ground Down Special: can no longer repeatedly hit and lock opponents in place foreverAir Up Attack: Can no longer repeatedly hit opponents

Steven Universe

Air Neutral AttackKnocks opponents up and away to prevent an infinite attack caused by alternating Air Down Attack and Air Neutral Attack.


Bug FixFixed a bug that was preventing Taz from doing any aerial attacks once he reached his air special limit.Air/Ground Side SpecialA decrease to the tornado’s duration and the additional duration gained by passing an ally.Removing one of the multi-hits of the tornado.Decreasing the hit pause of all the hits in the tornado.Reduced knockback from the final hit in the tornado from 1375 to 1275. If you have been following early access, Taz’s Tornado has been dominating his character kit and presenting a non-obvious knowledge check for newer players. By reducing its effectiveness we hope to improve his gameplay health and loop and bring the game to a healthier state for newer players.Right now, our plan is to transition the Tornado to a cooldown move in an upcoming patch. The tornado is Taz’s signature move so we want to keep it as one of his most powerful attacks, with the cooldown forcing more intentional use of it. These nerfs will reduce Taz’s strength, especially at higher levels of play, so expect some buffs to the other moves in his kit in the near future. Thank you for your patience and we will continue to evaluate Taz’s gameplay health.


Weight: reduced from 70 to 63 It was an oversight on our part that Velma is one of the heaviest characters in the game. This change should bring her more in-line with where we originally envisioned her.

About Jason Fanelli

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