How To Romance Characters In My Time At Sandrock – Romanceable Characters List

My Time at Sandrock has numerous townsfolk that you can meet and help out. Some interactions might even lead to love blossoming in the hinterlands. Our guide discusses how to romance characters in My Time at Sandrock so you can find your soulmate in the campaign.

Table of Contents [hide]How to romance characters in My Time at SandrockRomanceable charactersTips to increase relationship levelsUsing the Heart Knot item and starting a romanceMultiple romances and getting caught with someone else

How to romance characters in My Time at Sandrock

To romance characters in My Time at Sandrock, you’ll have to continue increasing relationship levels until you’re able to give that person the Heart Knot item. It’s a long and arduous process, but certainly worth it if you want your builder to find love.

Romanceable characters

There’s a clear distinction between romanceable and non-romanceable characters in the game. This can be seen when interacting with a townsfolk, or when looking at the Social tab in your menu:

Romanceable characters have heart icons to indicate their relationship level.Non-romanceable characters have star icons to indicate their relationship level.

The Social tab also has helpful information about NPC villagers. For instance, you can check their Social Network (i.e. connections like family members and friends of friends), liked/disliked gifts, and perk rewards, such as those that increase your stamina.

In any case, here are the romanceable characters in My Time at Sandrock:


Tips to increase relationship levels

There are multiple ways to increase relationship levels if you want to romance characters in My Time at Sandrock. Here are some examples:

Greeting characters each day provides a minor boost.You can hand over gifts to increase relationship points. If the NPC loves or likes the gift, it’ll net you a bigger boost. However, watch out for things that they dislike or hate, as those deduct points instead.Sparring grants a few points, especially if you win.Playing the Critters minigame nets you +5 points for each round that you win, and +3 points for those that end in a draw. You only gain +1 point if you lose a round. You can play up to three rounds with each NPC per day.You can greet, gift, spar, and play Critters with NPCs every day, so make sure you maximize your time in-game.Certain quests that involve characters also reward relationship points.Lastly, be sure to select Knowledge perks from the Social skill tree. These include Social Butterfly Knowledge, Social Activity Knowledge, and Hangout Knowledge.

Using the Heart Knot item and starting a romance

Once you hit +150 relationship points with certain characters, you can go ahead and start the romance portion of your relationship. As mentioned earlier, you need to give them a Heart Knot. It can be purchased from the By the Stairs shop for roughly 145 gol.

Your advances might be rejected by a character, so do watch out for that. But if they accept, you’re ready to start dating them. The activity itself nets you additional relationship points, helping boost the relationship levels further. The goal is to increase the “tier” of your relationship in this order: Boyfriend/Girlfriend (dating) -> Sweetheart (dating) -> Lover (engagement) -> Soulmate (marriage).

Multiple romances and getting caught with someone else

Since we’re discussing My Time at Sandrock romance mechanics, you might be wondering if it’s possible to flirt around with multiple characters. Well, you certainly can. It’s indeed possible to romance multiple characters at the same time. There’s just one caveat: you don’t want to get caught.

If you’re actively dating someone, and you’re caught dating someone else, you’ll lose relationship points with both potential partners. Thankfully, there’s a certain workaround:

Some characters will accept the Apology Bear item, which can be purchased from the Game Center for 188 tokens.Others, however, will break up instantly.

That’s everything you need to know about how to romance characters in My Time at Sandrock. If you’ve just started the game, you might want to check out our guides on how to increase inventory space, how to unlock Photo Mode, and how to complete Picking Up the Slack.

About Jason Rodriguez

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