Naraka: Bladepoint's Largest Update Yet Adds New Character And Massive Map

On August 19, Naraka: Bladepoint updates with a new map, Holoroth, and a new character, Zipin Yin. The update also celebrates the game’s one year anniversary with log in rewards and a free trial.

Holoroth is the largest map in the game thus far, and will introduce new weather conditions and terrain to Naraka: Bladepoint. The map is set in the midst of snowy mountains. Players will battle around a frozen river and massive temple.

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Now Playing: New Hero: Ziping Yin Cinematic & Skill Showcase | NARAKA: BLADEPOINT

Zipin Yin is part of the game’s ongoing effort to be more approachable for new players. She can use Aromatherapy to restore the health and armor of other players and even curb damage taken. Her Saving Grace ability consumes rage, thereby restoring allies and increasing her own restoration ability by 30%. With Sedate Soul, she’ll send enemies flying and negate a fatal strike.

Along with this new update, you can try out Naraka: Bladepoint for free and purchase it for 50% off starting August 19. The free trial period will end on August 22 and the 50% discount will end on August 29. Additionally, if you log in on August 19, you will receive free skins, namely Duel Blades Legendary, Kurumi, and Viper Ning.

Naraka: Bladepoint is a hero-based battle royale themed around mystical martial arts action. If you are looking to get into the game, check out our guide for new players and our tier-list for previously released heroes.

About Grace Benfell

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