A new animated Transformers series is on the way. The show will be produced by Nickelodeon and Hasbro’s production company eOne and will run for 26 half-hour episodes.
The title of the new upcoming Transformers show hasn’t been announced yet, but Nickelodeon describes it as an “action-comedy series” that focuses on a new species of transforming robots who are adopted by a human family. The show will premiere on Nickelodeon in the US before being released internationally.
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In a statement, Nickelodeon Animation president Ramsey Naito said, “As soon as I read the creative concept, which at its core is about family, I knew we absolutely had to tell this story with our good friends at eOne and Hasbro. The series will tell a reimagined story featuring both original characters and fan-favorites for a whole new generation of kids and families.”
The announcement of the new Transformers show follows the recent Netflix animated series Transformers: War For Cybertron. Two seasons have been released so far, titled Siege and Earthrise, and the final season, War For Cybertron: Kingdom, is expected later in 2021.
As for the Transformers movies, last year it was reported that an animated film is in development, with Toy Story 4’s Josh Cooley directing. However, there’s no word on when we’ll get another live-action movie. While 2017’s Transformers: The Last Knight was a box office disappointment, the 2018 spin-off Bumblebee was a critical and commercial success.