New Apex Legends Collection Event Includes Seer's Heirloom Weapon

The holo-days may have just ended, but it seems Respawn Entertainment isn’t taking a break from the festivities just yet. The Apex Legends developer announced this season’s second Collection Event with a new trailer released this morning.

The Spellbound Collection Event will see the Control LTM make its return, introduce new cosmetic bundles to the store, and of course, unveil a new set of 24 bewitching premium cosmetic items with a supernatural flair. Items included in Collection Events often include skydive emotes, banner poses, and other cosmetics in addition to the standard skins for legends and weapons. Players who unlock all 24 items in the Spellbound Collection will automatically unlock Seer’s new Heirloom Weapon: The Showstoppers.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends Spellbound Collection Event

Perfect for players who enjoy the limelight, Seer’s curved twin blades are certain to catch the eye of friend and foe alike. Like all Heirloom Weapons, the Showstoppers feature unique weapon inspection animations, and the set also includes a new kill quip and banner pose for Seer. Like Fade’s Constellation weapon in the mobile game, Seer’s weapons appear to move in the trailer, with their blades extending outward into scythe-like shapes with a serrated inner edge. Other moments in the trailer see them neatly folded inward.

Legendary-tier skins for Seer, Mad Maggie, Mirage, and Vantage are also featured in the cosmetic collection, along with store-exclusive bundles for players who want more bang for their buck. But if a holiday spending spree has left your in-game wallet low on Apex Coins, never fear–a free reward track is also included in the event.

The free reward track requires players to complete in-game challenges and accumulate Challenge Points to unlock cosmetics and other goodies. To obtain all rewards, players must earn a total of 5,000 Challenge Points, but this isn’t hard to do–completing a single day’s worth of event challenges will earn you 1,600 Challenge Points. This means you can easily knock out the entire free reward track in just over three days.

But cosmetic goodies aren’t all the event has to offer, as the fan-favorite 9v9 Control LTM will once again make an appearance during the event. For more information on the event, check out Respawn’s new blog post detailing the upcoming festivities. The Spellbound Collection Event will run from January 10-24.

Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. A mobile version of the game, Apex Legends Mobile, is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

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