New Apex Legends Mobile Update Adds Loba To The Legend Lineup

Last week’s Diamonds in the Snow event seemed to suggest the translocating thief known as Loba–who originally debuted in Season 5 on console and PC–may be the next legend to join the character lineup in Apex Legends Mobile. Today a game update was released, confirming Loba is indeed coming to Apex Mobile in the Cold Snap update.

Upon opening the game after installing the update, players will notice Loba’s portrait on the legend selection screen. But unlike other legends players may not have unlocked yet, Loba is not currently unlockable in any way, even with Syndicate Gold, the mobile game’s version of Apex Coins, the primary in-game currency with which premium items, battle passes, and characters are unlocked with.

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While no official patch notes have been released, a moderator in the developer-supported Apex Mobile subreddit has confirmed some of the changes that came with this latest update–and some that players can expect in the near future.

In addition to Loba’s portrait, the latest Apex Legends Mobile update has removed the penalty players receive for abandoning a match early. Fortunately, this does not apply to Ranked matches, so players who rage-quit in Ranked mode will still receive a time-out penalty.

As for updates in the near future, new server locations are set to be added to the game later this week. Locations include France, North America, and the UK. The servers will arrive alongside an update that aims to improve ping routing for mobile players.

“This is the first of many upcoming optimizations to in-game servers in an effort to create a better and more enjoyable gaming experience for all legends,” said /r/ApexLegendsMobile community moderator /u/dF_Founder (who is affiliated with Respawn) in the community post. “Additionally, please remember that you can send feedback through the Apex Legends Mobile app.”

Apex Legends Mobile Season 1: Prime Time is set for an expansion next week, according to the timer on the Battle Pass screen, which indicates that a new battle pass will launch on the evening of June 14. Any players who have not yet completed their current Battle Pass may wish to spend the coming days squadding up and fighting it out on World’s Edge in the popular pocket-sized battle royale.

All Apex Legends Mobile Season 1 Battle Pass Skins And RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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