New Apex Legends Patch Reverts Horizon Nerf

Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment has pushed out a small update ahead of tomorrow’s Celestial Sunrise Collection Event launch. Despite its size, the patch does address a number of important issues and a revision to Horizon’s ability set.

The patch claims to reverse recent changes to Horizon’s abilities, which were evidently implemented via the Spellbound Collection Event update. The change in question apparently decreased weapon accuracy when shooting while riding one of her Gravity Lifts. But this change wasn’t listed in the Spellbound Collection Event patch notes, leaving players confused when the silent nerf took effect. Respawn addressed this in a tweet explaining that the nerf wasn’t in the patch notes because it was unintentional. A fix was rolled out on January 13, but today’s patch offers a more stable solution.

Today, Respawn also expanded on the Gravity Life debacle in a follow-up tweet, saying that players won’t notice a difference, as these changes were technically already reverted in the January 13 patch. But this time around, the change is being implemented properly via a game update, as opposed to forcing it through a server-side fix.

Other changes in today’s update include:

Tactical ability charges now operate and display correctly in the HUD.Killing Wraith via a headshot no longer results in incorrect particle effects.The Easter egg that brings the Firing Range dummies to life is now accessible again.

That last tweak is sure to receive a warm welcome from players, as the Easter egg in question makes the Firing Range dummies come to life and shoot at the player, allowing players to get some good target practice in, even if they don’t have a pre-made squad of friends to play around with in the Firing Range.

That’s all the info we have on this update, but more patches may be on the horizon once tomorrow’s event goes live.

Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. A mobile version of the game, Apex Legends Mobile, is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

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About Claire Lewis

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