New Battlefield Single-Player Campaign Adds DICE As A Co-Developer

Electronic Arts has shared new details on the future of its Battlefield series. The company has confirmed that DICE will now work together with Ridgeline Games on a “future Battlefield single-player campaign.” What this game is, however, remains a mystery.

Ridgeline, a Seattle-based studio led by Halo veteran Marcus Lehto, will remain the leader of the new Battlefield single-player campaign, with DICE joining from Sweden in a support role. EA is making this announcement, in part, to encourage people to come work at DICE.

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Previously, it was established that Ridgeline would develop a Battlefield single-player campaign by itself, with DICE contributing to multiplayer. Now, DICE is helping with the single-player, too, in addition to building out new multiplayer experiences.

“A global effort has been launched, coordinating multiple studios under a leadership team of industry veterans to build a connected Battlefield universe,” EA said.

EA’s Byron Beede said DICE working with Ridgeline will help the future of the Battlefield series become “something truly special and ambitious”

“To work toward making that vision a reality, we’re unlocking resources and bringing more talented teams into the fold,” Beede said.

Ripple Effect, another Battlefield studio, is making an “entirely new Battlefield experience.” It will “complement and build upon the series’ foundations,” EA said.

“Our decision to build out our single-player team here at DICE is a proactive approach that arms our global teams with the resources they need early on as we look ahead to the next Battlefield experience,” DICE GM Rebecka Coutaz said. “We have an immense amount of strength and opportunity within our three global studios, with each team bringing their own set of deep franchise experiences. Now, we are able to expand opportunities and benefit from new talent that will help Ridgeline write the next chapter for the franchise.”

Lehto said, “Our vision coupled with [DICE’s] experience with the franchise is going to see us build a single-player campaign that will engage players in new ways while also remaining true to the classic elements of what makes Battlefield truly unique!”

2021’s Battlefield 2042 didn’t land the way EA and DICE might have wanted, and management previously discussed the range of issues that led to this. The series remains a juggernaut, though, as Battlefield Mobile game would not go forward.

As for Battlefield 2042, EA and DICE continue to update and support the game. The big new Season 4: Eleventh Hour update arrives February 28, bringing a new character, a new map, a new battle pass, and more.

About Eddie Makuch

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