Call of Duty’s latest DLC operators have arrived, and they are none other than legendary stoners Cheech and Chong, who arrive just in time to celebrate 4/20.
The Cheech & Chong bundle comes with both characters, and they’re voiced by Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong themselves. Also included is a new tracer pack that turns enemies into joints, as you can see in the video further down the page.
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Now Playing: Modern Warfare III & Warzone – Official Cheech & Chong Bundle Gameplay Trailer
Check out the trailer below, which is full of weed references and even includes an appearance by another famous pot-smoker, Snoop Dogg, who returns to Call of Duty in the Season 3 battle pass.
The Cheech & Chong bundle also comes with the “Dankest” MTZ-556 weapon and the Hashassin” HRM-9 gun. Players also get the “Be Mellow” decal and the “Smoke Buds” weapon sticker, among other items. The bundle is priced at 3,000 COD Points (about $30 USD), which is a higher price than the normal operator packs, but, as mentioned, this bundle comes with two Operators.
The Cheech & Chong DLC is available in Modern Warfare III, Warzone, and Warzone Mobile, as each game shares store bundles and progression. You can see a rundown of all the new content in the Cheech & Chong bundle in the video below from Charlie Intel, and get more info on everything in the bundle at DOT eSports.
Call of Duty is now owned by Microsoft, and the company might show off the next entry in the series, rumored to be Call of Duty: Black Ops Gulf War, during a showcase in June.
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