New Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Playlist Lets You Play Like The Pros

Call of Duty Season 1 arrived to Modern Warfare 2 on November 16, bringing a new map, operator, and more weapons to multiplayer, but an update on December 1 has added the new CDL Moshpit playlist. This is a competitive playlist with different rules and some restrictions, so here is everything you need to know about CDL Moshpit.

What is CDL Moshpit?

Modern Warfare 2’s CDL Moshpit is a competitive playlist that follows the maps, rules, and restrictions used by the pro players in the Call of Duty League. This is a playlist created by Treyarch for a way to play like the pros, but CDL Moshpit doesn’t include any ladders or ranking systems. However, Ranked Play has been announced for a release sometime in 2023, and that will provide Call of Duty’s typical competitive experience with ranks, ladders, and rewards to earn.

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CDL rules and restrictions

Playing just like the pros, CDL Moshpit games are played in 4v4 matches, rotating through the Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, and Control game modes. Friendly-fire is turned on for the pros, so keep in mind you can accidentally or not-so-accidentally team kill your own squadmates.

The CDL map set includes: Al Bagra Fortress, Breenbergh Hotel, El Asilo, Embassy, and Mercado Las Almas.

It’s important to note that the Call of Duty League also features several restrictions for weapons, perks, and attachments, and these restrictions can change throughout Modern Warfare 2’s competitive season. The full list of CDL rules and restrictions can be found on the Call of Duty League site.

How to make unrestricted classes

Unfortunately, the CDL Moshpit is only displaying the regular multiplayer loadouts without restrictions being shown at this time, but this issue was announced to be fixed with a future update. Treyarch says CDL Moshpit shares custom loadouts with CDL private matches, and the developer recommends that you create your preferred loadouts in a CDL private match lobby before matchmaking to better navigate the restrictions. If you try to go into a CDL Moshpit match with your normal custom loadouts from public matches, you could have perks and guns that will be missing from your loadout during the match.

We’re just weeks away from Modern Warfare 2’s mid-season update. Here is everything we know about Season 1 Reloaded for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, which includes a new weapon and two more operators. In celebration of the Men’s World Cup, three star soccer players can be purchased as Call of Duty operator bundles for use in both Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2.

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About S.E. Doster

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