Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is confirmed to be arriving later this year, and with a reveal date likely approaching, more leaks and rumors are surfacing on Infinity Ward’s upcoming release.
A recent report suggests that Activision’s official reveal for Modern Warfare 2 is set for June, while a multiplayer beta could potentially arrive in August. However, this doesn’t stop leakers from revealing some of those details early.
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On May 18, notable Call of Duty leaker TheMW2Ghost tweeted a claim that they’ve seen the upcoming map that they believe will be used for both Warzone 2 and the rumored DMZ mode coming to Modern Warfare 2, which leakers suggest is an Escape from Tarkov-inspired survival mode. TheMW2Ghost shared a simplistic map layout on Twitter, which they say is drawn as a remake based off of the actual map image.
The leaker’s drawn image doesn’t really provide much detail, but it reveals a large river running down the length of the map with a lake to the east. There are a few padlock and weapon icons marked on the map, but it’s unknown what they’ll specifically represent for this new title.
On May 17, YouTuber NerosCinema leaked potential information about Warzone 2 on his YouTube channel, claiming there will be a change to how loadout drops will work for the battle royale’s sequel. While loadouts are expected to remain in Warzone 2, NerosCinema believes the method of securing one will change with the introduction of a new feature called Strongholds. According to this leak, loadout drops will be locked behind a Stronghold feature, and players must complete a set of tasks or objectives to access their loadout. Normal ground loot will still be available, but the leak suggests Strongholds will offer the only way for players to obtain their custom loadouts in this Warzone sequel.
So, it’s possible the padlocks on map image drawn by TheMW2Ghost are going to be marking Warzone’s potential Stronghold locations. NerosCinemas leaks have also been corroborated by journalist and leaker Tom Henderson. “I’m not going to beat around the bush, but a lot of this is true,” Henderson said on Twitter. “I’m assuming there are some discrepancies because the source can’t remember exact details… But yeah, leak overload inbound, it seems.”
Additional leaks from NerosCinemas suggest that the battle royale sequel will be more like Black Ops 4’s Blackout than Modern Warfare 2019’s Warzone. Armor plating will still be available, but the YouTuber’s source says that players will need to find a satchel to carry them, which leans more towards Blackout’s armor system. Also like Blackout, it’s suggested that players will have a gear bag with limited inventory space. NerosCinemas suggests extra guns can also be stored in the bag, but would take up more inventory space than other items, leaning to a more traditional battle royale experience of inventory management.
It’s possible that Warzone 2 is being developed as more of a hybrid between Blackout and Warzone, but as always, rumors should be taken with a grain of salt and details can always change before launch. Here we break down all the Modern Warfare 2 details, and this highlights everything we know so far about Warzone 2.