Developer Arrowiz Games and publisher Prime Matter have announced Mato Anomalies, an RPG game set in a neo-futuristic version of Old Shanghai, a city called Mato.
The game follows two protagonists, the private detective Doe and an exorcist named Gram. They’ll investigate strange occurrences throughout Mato by talking to NPCs and accepting missions. By doing so, they’ll encounter Rifts, which are portals that lead them to fight demonic creatures trying to destroy the city.
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Now Playing: Mato Anomalies – Announcement Trailer
Mato Anomalies utilizes a turn-based battle system inspired by classic JRPGs and features anime-style visuals. Other characters will join Doe and Gram as their investigations progress and they earn their trust.
The announcement trailer shows Doe running throughout the city as well as in some underground areas. It also shows off some cinematics from the game’s battle system, such as an enemy getting to launch a big energy attack.
Mato Anomalies is set to release sometime in 2023 for PC, Playstation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.