New Destiny 2: Lightfall Trailer Shows Off The Secret City Of Neomuna

A new trailer for Destiny 2’s next expansion has gone live, showcasing the Neptunian city of Neomuna that players will be able to visit. Having managed to remain hidden during the war between the Light and the Darkness, Neomuna has finally been discovered and is under siege from the forces of Calus, former Cabal emperor and the latest Disciple of the Witness.

While players can expect to join forces and fight back against the Shadow Legion of Cabal troopers that have invaded Neomuna, they’ll have to be wary of lethal Tormentors who have infiltrated the technologically advanced secret city. Lightfall won’t just introduce new enemies and locations to explore, but it’ll also see a brand-new Darkness subclass called Strand debut within the game. Warlocks can wield the psychic energy to become telekinetic Architects, Hunters have a rope dart as Threadrunners, and Titans are claw-bearing Tyrants who can slash enemies apart.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Lightfall | Neomuna Environment Trailer

Other big changes coming in Lightfall include a built-in LFG feature, commendations that can be given out to players at the end of PvE activities, and after being on player wishlists for years, in-game loadout builds and a mod manager. For more details, you can read up on everything that we know about Destiny 2: Lightfall. While Lightfall is scheduled to launch on February 28, there’s still plenty to do in the final season of The Witch Queen expansion, Season of the Seraph.

The current storyline is nearing its end, and PvP fans can look forward to one more round of Iron Banner. The multiplayer event was recently criticized for being a particularly heavy grind for legacy armor pieces and its unique chainmail texture shader, and Bungie has retooled it to make it more rewarding when it returns on January 31.

Five Years Of Destiny 2's Dramatic, Transformational ChangesSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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