New Destiny 2: Lightfall Update Fixes Various Issues Before The Raid

A hotfix update has rolled out for Destiny 2: Lightfall, and for Hunter Threadrunners who have been enjoying the overpowered damage that their new Strand Super is capable of, they’ll have to brace themselves for a slight nerf to that ability. Silkstrike, a combination of a Strand grappling hook and rope dart, has boasted the highest Super damage in Destiny 2 since the Lightfall expansion arrived, due in part to it doing hidden double damage according to patch notes.

With Hotfix applied, Bungie says that it has removed the critical strike ability at the tip of the dart and it has instead granted that high-damage behavior to the full length of the dart. Damage has been tuned to compensate for this so that the Hunter’s new Super can dish out more balanced damage.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Lightfall – Opening Cinematic

Other gameplay changes include fixing an issue where the Hunter Arcstrider’s Disorienting Blow melee ability was not costing energy on hit, progress not being tracked on the Hypernet Current strike, and Destiny 2 crashing whenever the Commendations screen was opened. Manticore, last season’s Exotic SMG, should now show up in collections, and an issue where element-focused armor mods would deactivate when spawning into an activity or respawning after death has been resolved.

There were reports circulating that logging in during maintenance would result in players having to create new characters instead of having access to their existing Guardians, but Bungie says that this issue has been resolved. The patch notes don’t mention two current exploits in Lightfall, as there have been incidents where players have randomly invisible and Terminal Overload chests have been farmed.

With Lightfall now being out for just over a week, the next big event in Destiny 2 is the arrival of the Root of Nightmares raid. If you’re looking to do some last-minute power-leveling ahead of the activity’s launch, you can check out our guides on how to level up quickly in Lightfall, how to farm Strand Meditations for your new subclass, and Legendary campaign tips.

Destiny 2: Lightfall Hotfix

Gameplay and Investment

Fixed an issue where the Silkstrike Super’s Light attack was doing hidden double damage. We’ve removed the critical strike at the tip of the dart and instead granted the critical-strike behavior to the full length of the dart. The damage has been tuned to compensate.Fixed an issue where Arcstrider’s Disorienting Blow melee ability was not costing energy on hit.Fixed an issue where the Lightfall quest previously only tracked the campaign version of the Hypernet Current strike. It will now progress upon completion of any version of the strike.


Fixed an issue that caused the Commendations screen to crash.


Fixed an issue where the Manticore, Season of the Seraph´s Season Pass Destiny Exotic weapon was missing from collections.


Fixed an issue where element-focused armor mods would deactivate when spawning into an activity or respawning after death.Fixed an issue where the seasonal artifact could cost Glimmer to reset.Fixed an issue where Scavenger armor mods were incorrectly activating in Crucible game modes.Fixed an issue where players were able to duplicate ammo drops.Every Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic RevealedSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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