New Destiny 2 Patch Re-Enables Flawless Pools In Trials Of Osiris

We’re a month into Destiny 2‘s latest season, the Season of the Haunted, which means that most of the dust from launch has probably settled. Appropriately, hotfix is a small update with very few patch notes, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t packing a punch.

Bungie is once again enabling the Flawless Pool and Flawless Pool loot after encountering an issue ahead of this past weekend’s Trials of Osiris. They were disabled because Bungie found a problem where players were not being matchmade based on win count, meaning it could literally not pair up flawless teams. A lot of folks seem to prefer playing Trials this way and enjoyed this past Trials weekend, voicing that they’re upset at Bungie issuing a fix and hoping it will reverse course.

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Bungie recently rolled out a rotator system for dungeons and raids that would help keep the live game a bit more…well, lively. To that end, Pinnacle gear, the highest tier of legendary weapons and armor that help players rise through the ranks, is only supposed to drop on whatever dungeon and raid was featured that week. However, in all its greed, the Grasp of Avarice dungeon was not playing by those rules until this week. Now, Grasp of Avarice will only drop Pinnacle gear on weeks where it is the featured dungeon, including this week!

Elsewhere, players were being trapped in Sever missions after they completed the boss fights and I cannot imagine a worse place to be stuck after all the emotional highs and lows of those missions. Don’t worry, though, Bungie fixed it so that players could at least go cry in the tower rather than the Leviathan’s underbelly. Everyone thank Bungie.

For the full patch notes, read down below:

Raids and Dungeons:

Moving forward, Grasp of Avarice dungeon will only drop a Pinnacle reward upon completion when it is the featured dungeon of the week. Encounter completions during non-featured weeks have a chance to drop a Powerful reward.You can learn more about the new rotator system in the previous TWAB here.Vault of Glass: Fixed an issue where a Titan’s Solar Throwing Hammer could interrupt boss attacks from the Templar.Fixed an issue where Sunspots could break immune shields in Vault of Glass, Garden of Salvation, and Vow of the Disciple.

Derelict Leviathan:

Sever: Fixed an issue where players could not teleport all out of Shame and Reconciliation Sever activities after the boss is defeated. Look. Sever is supposed to be emotional but that doesn’t mean we meant to trap you there, OK? We’ll call it bonding.Nightmare Containment: Fixed an issue where The Machinist refused to rocket and stomp players when he was supposed to, so we gave him a stern talking-to and now he’s back to usual shenanigans. The Machinist will now periodically shoot a blaze of rockets at players and stomp when they get too close.

Trials of Osiris:

Fixed an issue where players were not appropriately matched based on win count in Trials of Osiris. With this issue fixed, the Flawless pool and Flawless pool loot will once again be enabled on Sundays at 10 AM Pacific.

Gameplay and Investment


Well Rounded perk will no longer trigger when a player cancels a charged grenade.Destiny 2: Season Of The Haunted – All The New Exotics, Armor, And OrnamentsSee More

About Moises Taveras

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