New Destiny 2 Trials Of Osiris And Iron Banner Weapons Revealed

Now that we’re a few weeks into Destiny 2: The Witch Queen and Season of the Risen, Bungie is set to kick off the first Iron Banner and Trails of Osiris events. Both PvP activities will be accompanied by a refreshed range of loot to collect, including some new and returning weapons.

According to Bungie, players can battle it out for a new Legendary-class scout rifle and a classic auto rifle, each one bearing the unique art design and markings of Trials of Osiris.

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Trials of Osiris

Aisha’s Embrace is a rapid-fire scout rifle that can unleash rounds at 260 RPM, and Bungie says that there’s a chance that the oft-requested Triple Tap and Fourth Time’s the Charm perks may be included in this weapon. If you’re really lucky, the Tunnel Vision and Multikill Clip perks might also be included, which would turn this weapon into an absolute beast for PvP activities.

For the auto rifle, the Summoner has been pulled out of storage and will offer more popular perks such as Heating Up and Focused Fury. Summoner has long been considered one of the best all-rounder auto rifles in Destiny 2, and with these new mods replacing less popular perks, it’s about to become even more sought after. Bungie added that all six weapons in the upcoming Trials pool will have the Alacrity and One Quiet Moment origin traits, making them even more powerful in PvP.

Alacrity increases the reload, stability, aim assist, and range when running solo or as the last Guardian standing, while One Quiet Moment grants players increased reload speed when not in active combat. As mentioned in a previous update, the Eternity and Vostok maps have returned, and there’ll be a new map added to the Crucible that Bungie will talk more about at a later date.

Iron Banner

Next week also sees a new Iron Banner tournament kicking off, where players can earn some new loot from Saladin’s vault as well. All six weapons in this Iron Banner pool will have the Skulking Wolf trait, which activates when your team controls all zones.

As a Hunt-activated perk, you’ll briefly gain enhanced radar and removal from enemy radar after landing a final blow during these encounters. All returning Iron Banner weapons will have updated perk pools, and the new weapons include the hand cannon Frontier’s Cry and the Sword Razor’s Edge.

Frontier’s Cry is a 180 RPM precision frame that has the chance to roll with Steady Hands and Compulsive Reloader perks, while the Iron Reach mod gives it added range. Razor’s Edge is a Vortex frame sword that has some potent perk combinations like Wellspring or Unrelenting combined with Chain Reaction.

To catch up on more Destiny 2 news, you can read up on the new patch that finally lets you buy Ascendant Alloy, our Vow of the Disciple Raid explainer, and a reminder that Bungie will allow you to pick a better name for your Guardian at long last. Tonight will also see the return of everyone’s favorite agent of the Nine, Xur, so stay tuned for his location and inventory.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – All The Exotic Gear Revealed So FarSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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