Amazon has announced that Diablo 4 players can unlock some free in-game items as long as they’re a member of Prime Gaming.
As a part of the July release, you can claim the Brackish Fetch Mount Armor Bundle, which includes the following:
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Once the bundle is claimed, you must complete the main campaign’s first three acts and reach Kyovashad. You’ll then have to talk to Donan and complete the “Donan’s Favour” quest to unlock your mount. After you’ve done that, the Stable Master will open up, and you can add cosmetic items to your horse, including the Brackish Fetch Mount Armour. To learn more about unlocking a mount in Diablo 4, check out our mount guide.
Diablo 4 loot isn’t the only thing Amazon is giving away this month. Starting today, July 6, until July 27, Prime Gaming members can download various games for free such as Cook, Serve, Delicious 3, Nairi: Tower of Shirin, Wytchwood, and Lunar Axe.
For more Diablo 4 news, check out our story on the latest patch that makes it easier to earn its super-rare unique items and everything we know about Season 1, including the battle pass and character reset details. We also have an interview discussing Season of the Malignant.
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