As is usually the case with From Software games, the story of Elden Ring seems expansive and oblique, and you’ll likely have to pay a lot of attention to understand it. Thanks to a new trailer revealed at the 2021 Game Awards, however, we have something of a sense of how things got to be the way they are in the game.
You can check out the new trailer below, which details how the Rune of Death was stolen (whatever that is), which resulted in the deaths of the world’s demigods. That led to the breaking of the Elden Ring (whatever that is), seemingly plunging the world into chaos. Nobody knows who destroyed the Elden Ring or why, and that seemingly drove the demigods to war with one another, making things even worse.
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Now Playing: Elden Ring Cinematic Trailer 2 | Game Awards 2021
All of that sounds appropriately confusing, but we get the gist: Something awful happened in the past that messed up the status quo and turned powerful beings, the demigods, into what are sure to be towering bosses that need murdering. And that’s where we players come in. Check out our much larger and more involved preview from the Elden Ring technical test.
The good news is that, while there’s a new trailer for Elden Ring, the release date remains the same: February 25 on PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.