New Fortnite Catwoman Skin Is Available Now

Catwoman is back in the Fortnite Item Shop, but this time it’s a brand-new Catwoman skin never seen in the game before. However, it won’t be new to all eyes, as this Catwoman skin is based on the anti-hero’s Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point appearance.

Catwoman arrives alongside today’s release of issue three in the six-part series, which tells the story of Batman arriving to the Chapter 2 Fortnite map. It’s there where he meets, and sometimes battles, characters both from the Fortnite world and even other licensed properties. In the third issue, Batman takes on GI Joe’s Snake Eyes, who was a recent Fortnite cosmetic back in Season 5.

The Catwoman Zero bundle includes the Catwoman Zero skin plus her Grappling Claw Pickaxe for 1,500 V-Bucks, or players can get just the skin for 1,200 V-Bucks, while the Pickaxe alone will cost 800 V-Bucks. North American players who buy the comic through their preferred comic books retailers or access the digital issue via a DC Comics Infinite subscription will also receive a code for Catwoman’s Grappling Claw Pickaxe.

As this is the third issue, faithful readers are halfway to earning all six DC Comics bonus items. Once all six are redeemed on a single account, players will then gain free access to a seventh bonus item, the yet-to-be-revealed Armored Batman skin due later this summer.

The first of the issues granted early access to Rebirth Harley Quinn, who will go on sale sometime in June, according to Epic. We’ve also seen the Batman Zero skin in the game alongside the second issue, while Deathstroke, who is heavily involved in the comic’s story, is rumored to be a future Fortnite skin as well. The next comic crossover skin will arrive in two weeks alongside the fourth issue, though players looking for more DC heroes can also checkout the new Beast Boy skin.

While there was no major game patch this week, Epic did launch a new LTM called Impossible Escape, which is giving out cosmetics for winners and seems to be taken with a heightened level of seriousness within Epic, perhaps spelling a game mode that won’t be so limited after all.

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About Mark Delaney

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