New Forza Motorsport Has Begun Playtesting, Starting With “A Small Group Of Participants”

Racing fans should get ready to start their engines as Turn 10 Studios has confirmed the first playtesting for the new Forza Motorsport.

The confirmation came via a tweet on the official Forza Motorsport account reading “The first round of invites for the Forza Motorsport playtest have gone out to a small group of participants! We’ll be expanding that number as development progresses, so stay tuned for your chance to join.”

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Playtesting for the new Forza was mentioned during the most recent Forza Monthly video, where Turn 10 creative director Chris Esaki confirmed not only public testing, but an entirely new approach to game development. “Our new approach to development is really allowing us to get some of our details right”, Esaki said, “just to ensure that you, your friends, and the communities you are building and are a part of will really enjoy and thrive in this world of Forza Motorsport.”

Invites are being sent first to members of the Forza Panel, Turn 10’s official feedback program. Esaki also confirmed this in the April 5 Forza Monthly, saying “the only way to get your hands on this part of the new Forza Motorsport title is to be a part of that panel. We’re going to continue to plan this type of testing as we go in the months ahead, and get more and more people from the community in and enjoying this experience.” Players interested in becoming part of the Forza Panel can apply here.

The new Forza Motorsport was announced during Microsoft’s Xbox Series X event in July 2020 and billed as a “reimagining of the series” that will take “what has made Forza Motorsport great over the past 15 years and pairing it with new game concepts and new technologies.”

About Jason Fanelli

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