New Microsoft Flight Simulator Update Adds 13 Countries, Sends Players To Antarctic Research Bases

Microsoft Flight Simulator’s World Update XIII: Oceania and Antarctica is available for free across Xbox platforms and PC, sending players to remote and exotic regions of Earth.

This new update offers a slew of content, including access to additional countries and territories such as Fiji, New Guinea, and the Galapagos Islands. Likewise, this update prominently features Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula based on the most-recent satellite imagery. In total, the update adds 13 new countries and 28 non-sovereign territories.

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New with this update are 150 points of interest such as Moai monoliths on Easter Island, the Autograph Tower in Indonesia, Antarctic research bases McMurdo Station, Scott Base, and Davis Station, and the Point Venus Lighthouse at Tahiti, among many others.

World Update XIII: Oceania and Antarctica also gives players access to over a dozen new airports across Easter Island, Hawaii, Nusatupe, Bora Bora, and Moorea. Players can also expect new discovery flight missions highlighting the West Maui Mountains, Tahiti, Hawaii’s Mauna Kea, and others.

But that’s not all. As part of the update, Microsoft Flight Simulator has three new landing challenges and additional bush trips to give players plenty of things to do.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is available on Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Xbox Cloud Gaming, and is part of the Xbox Game Pass lineup.

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About Joseph Yaden

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