New Pokemon Sword And Shield Max Raid Event Now Live, Features Shiny Chandelure

A new Max Raid event is underway in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Until August 22, you’ll be able to encounter certain Ghost Pokemon in Max Raid dens across both games, including Gigantamax Gengar and Shiny Chandelure.

Throughout the event, Drifblim, Chandelure, Gengar, and their pre-evolved forms will be appearing more frequently in Max Raids across the Wild Area, Isle of Armor, and Crown Tundra. You’ll also have a chance to find Gigantamax Gengar and Shiny Chandelure in five-star Max Raids. These two, however, will be much rarer, so you’ll need to check Max Raids often if you’re hoping to catch them.

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Now Playing: Pokemon Presents 8.18.21

The ghost-themed Max Raid event runs until 4:59 PM PT / 7:59 PM ET / 11:59 PM UTC on Sunday, August 22. Before you can participate, you’ll need to refresh your Max Raid dens. You can do so either by connecting your game online via the Y-Comm, or by going into the Mystery Gift menu and selecting Get the Wild Area News.

The new Max Raid event comes just days after The Pokemon Company aired another Pokemon Presents stream. This broadcast gave us another look at Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and Pokemon Legends: Arceus. The former release on Switch on November 19, while the latter arrives early next year on January 28.

The Pokemon Company has a few special gifts for those who pick up the new Pokemon games early. Everyone who purchases Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl before February 21 will be able to claim a free Manaphy egg via Mystery Gift. Those who pick up Pokemon Legends: Arceus before May 9, meanwhile, can receive an in-game Hisuian Growlithe Kimono set for their character. You can learn more in our Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl preorder guide and Pokemon Legends: Arceus preorder guide.

About Kevin Knezevic

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