The next PlayStation 5 update has arrived, but don’t get too excited about this one. This newest update is all about improving system performance, so fans will have to wait a bit longer for the bigger update with Dolby Atmos support, the ability to do away with the start-up beep, and more.
The August 10 update for the PlayStation 5 focuses on system performance. The one-line patch notes state: “This system software update improves system performance.” This update brings the PS5 up to version 23.01-07.61.00.
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The bigger upcoming PS5 system update, which is now in the hands of beta-testers, is expected to release for everyone at some point in the relatively near future, though Sony has announced a specific date yet. In addition to the changes mentioned above, the update introduces a range of accessibility features, including one that lets you hand off the controller virtually to someone else.
For more, check out GameSpot’s detailed rundown of what to expect from the big PS5 update.
In other PlayStation news, Sony has confirmed that PS5 sales fell short of expectations recently, but the platform is still riding high and is the best-selling system of 2023 in the US.
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