During E3 2021, Ubisoft presented an animated story trailer introducing Rainbow Six Siege’s second season of Year 6, titled North Star, which releases June 14. The trailer showed off a new First Nation operator named Mina “Thunderbird” Sky, who is of the Nakoda Territories in Saskatchewan.
Thunderbird is a Defender that is focused on healing. She has the ability to deploy Kóna Station, which heals anyone nearby, including downed operators.
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Now Playing: Rainbow Six Siege: North Star Story Trailer | Ubisoft Forward 2021
Thunderbird’s armor isn’t the most durable, but she is all about speed. Her primary weapons are the Spear .308 assault rifle and Spas-15 shotgun, while her secondary weapons are the Bearing 9 machine pistol and Q-929 handgun. Her gadgets include an impact grenade and nitro cell.
Rainbow Six Siege is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
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