New Wolverine Game Announced At PlayStation Showcase

Insomniac is heading up another Marvel superhero game. Announced in a brief teaser-trailer at the PlayStation Showcase, its next game will be Marvel’s Wolverine. A brief teaser-trailer showed a bar that had been utterly trashed, before slowly panning to a single man left standing. And if there were any doubt remaining, that man extended his adamantium claws while reaching for his drink.

Insomniac is also known for its work on Marvel’s Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Miles Morales. During the PlayStation showcase, the studio also showed a teaser trailer for Spider-Man 2, which will feature the antagonist Venom.

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Now Playing: Marvel's Wolverine | PlayStation Showcase 2021

In a post on the PlayStation Blog, Insomniac announced that Wolverine will be a standalone game led by Brian Horton (creative director) and Cameron Christian (game director), who both worked on Miles Morales. The studio also noted that it feels Wolverine and Spider-Man have a surprisingly common core of feeling a deep desire to protect vulnerable people who can’t protect themselves.

About Steve Watts

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