New World Doesn't Allow "Bezos" Or "Amazon" Character Names, It Seems

Amazon’s new MMO New World launched this week, and the game is off to a very good start. Players have now discovered that there are some character names that are not allowed–and they aren’t just the regular offensive and obscene names that you might expect to be blocked.

It appears that New World players are forbidden from putting “Bezos” or “Amazon” in their character names. PC Gamer attempted to create a character named “Jeff Bezos’ Wallet” and “Unionize Amazon,” but they were blocked. The site reports that any mention of “Bezos” and “Amazon” in a player name is not allowed, and this includes variations like “JeffB” and “Bez0s,” among others.

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Now Playing: New World – Official Launch Trailer

It’s not that these names were already taken, either, as the game tells you “this name is in use” when you try to create a character with a name already chosen by someone else.

Some creative players are getting around these limitations, however, as PC Gamer discovered that someone created a character called “Beff Jezos.” Someone else made a character named “JeffrieBezos,” and the character model is even seemingly based on the business executive.

New World launched on September 28 and it quickly reached more than 700,000 concurrent players on Steam to become one of the most popular games on the platform. A lot of people are streaming the game on Twitch, too.

See at Amazon

The game’s massive popularity is causing some server issues, though MMO fans may recall that Blizzard’s genre-defining MMO World of Warcraft also suffered from extreme issues at launch, too.

In other news, the developers have commented on the possibility of New World coming to console.

About Eddie Makuch

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