New World Has A Very Funny Lore Reason For The Lack Of Mounts

Amazon’s popular new MMO New World is off to a good start and players are seeming to enjoy their experience in the game, but it’s missing one feature that’s common in similar titles: mounts. Why are there no mounts? According to the game’s lore, there was a time in the “Old World” of Aeternum’s history when people rode animals to get from place to place but this led to many injuries. As such, doctors now recommend against riding animals, and as such, the game doesn’t let you.

There is a note in the game called “The Animals Revolt,” and it’s written by “your friendly local doctor.” The message states (via PC Gamer):

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“After a recent spate of back injuries, the doctors of Aeternum feel compelled to issue this warning to anyone who transports goods between settlements:

Please remember that there are NO beasts of burden on Aeternum. No horse or donkey will pull your cart, carry your pack, or tolerate a rider. All efforts to domesticate or re-domesticate these animals have led only to injury and a lot of swearing.

Therefore, it is important to transport ONLY as many goods as your own back can bear. Do not overburden your backs or carts. This is not the Old World. In Aeternum, we must all pull our own weight. Your joints will thank you!”

The tone of the note is very silly and lighthearted, so few would be surprised if Amazon decides to undo this piece of lore in the future and introduce mounts at some point. But as for right now, the only way to get around is to walk on foot.

New World was immediately successful upon release this week, picking up 700,000 concurrent users on Steam. The game’s huge popularity caused a number of server issues, prompting the developer to bring more servers online and offer free transfers to make up for the problems.

New World is going to remain a PC game exclusively for the “foreseeable future” but it could potentially come to console later. We also recently learned that New World doesn’t let you make a character with Bezos or Amazon in the name and that you cannot swim.

About Eddie Makuch

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