New World’s first major content update is here, and it’s a doozy. Alongside additional content, including a new weapon, the update addresses a number of pain points players have had with the game since launch, making this the most significant update for Amazon’s MMORPG yet.
Leading the charge is the introduction of the Void Gauntlet, a new Focus/Intelligence weapon that can serve a couple of different roles. Investing skill points into the Annihilation weapon mastery tree will make the Void Gauntlet a formidable close-range weapon, while focusing on the Decay tree puts the weapon into more of a support role, capable of debuffing enemies and bolstering allies.
The world of Aeternum does not have a particularly wide variety of enemies, but Amazon is beginning to remedy that situation with the introduction of a new enemy faction, the Varangian Knights. These warriors are invading the southeastern region of Aeternum for reasons unknown, but it’s clear the enemy faction is up to no good. New enemy types for many of New World’s existing enemy factions are coming with the update as well.
A number of changes are also coming to everything from the world itself to faction quests. Starter zones are being made more visually distinct, running on roads will grant players a 10% movement speed bonus, players engaging in PvP have a higher chance of finding rare items, and there are now additional faction PvP missions to participate in. Trading posts (New World’s version of an auction house) are now linked between all settlements, finally eliminating the need to fast travel all around Aeternum and wasting Azoth just to purchase one particular item.
Many players have called for weapon balance updates, and this patch delivers that too. Every weapon in the game has been touched in some way, with Amazon looking to make some of the various lesser used weapon abilities more viable.
All of the above is, in many ways, just the tip of the iceberg. Fans will no doubt be happy that new content is arriving, but there’s no changing the fact that it has been a rough past few weeks for New World. The game’s player-driven economy was shut down on two separate occasions following the discovery of various item and coin duplication exploits, and an earlier invulnerability bug threatened to ruin the game’s PvP. Amazon says it is working to improve its response time to such game-breaking incidents, and, in addition to punishing cheaters, is already making changes to prevent those kinds of exploits from happening in the future.
New World’s Into the Void update is live now. Below are the full update patch notes.
New World Into The Void Full Patch Notes
The Void Gauntlet has manifested in Aeternum. Manipulate the powers of the Void to support your allies and debilitate your enemies with this magical damage/support hybrid weapon. It’s the first weapon to scale on both Intelligence and Focus, making it a great pairing with the Life Staff and other magical weapons. Adventurers will be able to progress through two weapon mastery trees, allowing the player to manipulate Void magic in different ways:
The Annihilation tree focuses on maximizing damage at close-range and revolves around Void Blade, a summoned blade of corrosive void energy.The Decay tree offers ranged healing and debuffs and revolves around Orb of Decay, a dual phase projectile that can debuff enemies and heal allies.
With its arsenal of buffs and debuffs, the Void Gauntlet is perfect for group combat and can significantly bolster your allies at the expense of your enemies.
The Varangians are a force of invading knights currently raiding Southeastern Aeternum. They are led by Lord Commander Attalus, a Gaul with a reputation for brutality and a twisted sense of humor. Commander Attalus and the Varangians are vassals to a powerful warlord named Varik “The Hammer” Iznov. They have been sent to Southeastern Aeternum in search of magical artifacts and arcane lore left behind by the Crimson Sorcerer. Their goal is to secure magical weapons that will help their lord in his conquests. The Varangians are fiercely competitive and will vie with one another to curry favor with Lord Commander Attalus.
Why these fearsome warriors have arrived is a question to all. Face off against multiple new types of enemies, including the Varangian Hewer, Varangian Scout, Varangian Knight, and Varangian Archer as you ascertain what they are chasing in Aeternum.
Added starter zone visual variety and improvements. Updated visuals have been added to the starting areas.Corruption and Withered visuals have been amplified in farms and points of interest (POIs).Ezra’s Forge has been updated and moved from Amrine temple to southwest Windsward.Run Faster on Roads! While running on roads you will now receive a movement bonus: Movement speed bonus of 10% while travelling on roads.The move speed bonus will not trigger unless the player has been running for 3 seconds and they are on a road.The movement bonus will be cancelled if a player engages in combat in any way such as dodging, blocking, attacking, or being hit with a debuff.The move speed bonus is not active while player is actively engaged in wars, outpost rush, or duels.Added a +10% Luck bonus and a +30% Gathering Luck bonus to players flagged for PvP.Notable bug fixes: Fixed issues with various AI stuck in cliffs or boulders.Fixed issues with Boss gating and triggering in Expeditions, where some doors would show as closed but would be open instead.Fixed several issues in Expeditions that allowed players to attack enemies without getting hit or heal teammates without being in an encounter.Various enemy vitals, names, and versions have been updated/fixed.Fixed various issues with missing or incorrect world collision and navigation mesh.
New PvP Faction Missions added: Control Points – Seize control of a Fort.Intercept – Defeat enemy faction members and collect their tears.War Camp Loot – Retrieve hidden plans at the enemy’s war camp.We’ve updated several quests in the Main Storyline to improve the player experience with more compelling dynamics including wave encounters, destructible objects, and proximity tracking nodes. As a result of these changes, players may find their progress reset for some Main Storyline quests.The quests “Old Stone Remembers” and “New Initiate, Old Order” have undergone more extensive restructuring, and players who were on these quests will need to return to Yonas in Fisherman’s Bend to re-accept the quests.Updated the location of one of the Survivalist “Wolf Den” quests in First Light to reduce amount of travel. The encounter design has also been updated to a wave event in all three starter zones.Notable bug fixes: Starting zone faction missions have been updated so early players will not be given missions to hunt sheep.Faction Rank 2 Quests are now offered at level 20 but are still recommended for level 25+ players.”Return to Innkeep” quests now reward the proper amount of Azoth.Map pins were updated for hunt missions in Elder’s Gate to be more accurate.Two elite faction assassination missions in Brightwood target elite enemies that only spawn at night. We’ve updated the quest text to specify this requirement.Various text fixes for typos, moving of quest locations, and reinforcement of story.Revised naming conventions for town projects to better distinguish them from Faction Missions.Fixed Expedition loot PvE faction mission within the Garden of Genesis.Fixed a mismatch in the text requirement and actual requirements for the “To be a Grandmaster” fishing quest.Fixed an issue with PvP Spy missions not being completed in non-settled zones.Added voice over (VO) fixes for multiple NPCs.Fixed various issues causing NPCs to not complete their animations.Fixed various issues causing incorrect loot tags to display.
Notable bug fixes: Fixed an issue causing certain AI to spawn more frequently than intended.Fixed various issues that could occur when interacting with the journal entries scattered across the world.Fixed an issue with Town Projects board failing to refresh.PvP Experience bonus will no longer apply when in an Expedition.
Fixed a bug that allowed the Well Fed buff to stack from different tiers and types of food. The most recent instance of the buff will now replace any previous versions.Fixed a bug that prevented Weapon Coating items from being consumed properly when used.
Increased scaling of Leeching perks on rings and weapons from a range of 0.5% – 1.5% damage converted to health on hit to a range of 1% – 5%.Increased the efficiency of the Freedom, Vigor, and Invigorate debuff reduction perks from a range of 3% – 5% based on gear score (GS) to a range of 3% – 8%.Decreased the cooldown of the Keen Speed perk (which grants haste on critical hits) from 10s to 5s, and increased haste duration from 2s to 3s.Increased the Poisoning, Blood Letting, Burning, Crippling, Enfeebling, and Infected effect duration on ring perks from a range of 3% – 7% to a range of 5% – 15%.Fixed a bug that allowed Chain Elemental perks to damage invulnerable characters.Fixed a bug that allowed Chain Elemental perks to strike downed or dead targets.Fixed a bug that allowed the Corrupted Bane perk to scale higher than other Bane perks.Fixed a bug that caused Chain Elemental perks to trigger from the initial impact of the Great Axe Gravity Well skill.Fixed a bug that caused the Hearty perk was incorrectly giving a bonus to strike damage.
Increased the healing bonus of the light equip load from 20% to 30%, and increased the healing bonus for medium equip load from 10% to 15%.
Jumping and traversal are now disabled when navigation is disabled (such as when hit with a Root effect).Updated the vault camera to smooth out the motion.Updated jump in place to allow translation while in air.Fixed various animation bugs alongside a variety of issues to smooth out general navigation. Fixed an issue where attacking while sliding could cause a player to get stuck in an unnatural slide animation.Fixed an issue where jumping could cancel area of effect (AoE) aiming on some abilities.Fixed an issue where traversing with autorun had a slight movement pause.Fixed an issue where player animation appeared to stutter when the transition to sprint finishes.Fixed an issue where the sprinting jump noticeably slowed the player when landing.Fixed an issue where the Shield could fail to sheathe properly after queuing certain actions.Fixed an issue where weapon swapping while gathering could cause the player to not have the correct weapons equipped or perform attack animations properly.Fixed an issue where players could become unresponsive if they blocked while running and trying to crouch.Fixed an issue where drinking a consumable while performing a gathering action would break the player’s consuming animation.Fixed an issue where the camera moved along with crouching/ prone actions if player used those buttons while Harvesting or Skinning.Fixed an issue where spamming prone could get weapon sheathe out of sync.Fixed an issue with player movement issues when attempting to place a camp while mid-air.Fixed an issue allowing players to bypass collision when taking weapon out while prone.Fixed an issue where animations could stutter when running after executing multiple attacks with certain weapons.Fixed an issue where the player was able to clip through outcropping collision by using certain abilities while prone.Fixed an issue where players rotated incorrectly when entering sprint from moving backward and sprinting from Shield Rush.Fixed an issue where autorun would not stop while attempting to place a camp.Fixed an issue where players could use Strength to scale unarmed attacks after prone and jump spam.Fixed an issue where players would sometimes become unable to execute heavy attacks out of the prone position when a magic weapon was equipped.
Fixed an exploit by preventing gathering while in duels so players can no longer duel to avoid durability damage while gathering.
Reduced the damage reduction provided by the 250 Constitution bonus from 80% to 60%.Fixed a bug that caused the 250 Constitution bonus cooldown to trigger on a blocked hit.Fixed a bug that was preventing players from dodge canceling out of attacks during an ability’s recovery window when the 250 strength bonus was active.
Fixed an issue causing 2H Melee and Magic Staff dodge rolls to have a smaller invulnerability window than the other weapon types.Fixed inconsistent cancel timings between dodges of different weapon types.Fixed a bug which could cause a backwards dodge to result in a small teleport.Fixed an issue that caused players to not take damage from an AoE if they dodged into the affected area.
Structures are now immune to buffs and debuffs that logically wouldn’t affect the siege weapon and deployable structures.Disabled player collision on Inferno Traps due to players occasionally getting stuck on them.Made it so player cant deal damage to other players with weapon abilities through Fort Gates and War Camp gates.
Reduced the power of battle bread from +15% damage and defense to +5% damage and defense.Reduced the damage reduction on the baroness buff from 25% to 15%.Reduced the damage and defense on the commander tent from +5%/+7.5%/+15% to +3%/+6%/+9%.
Backstab: Fixed a bug that could cause backstab to trigger when attacking players from the front.On Block: Fixed a bug that caused some weapon mastery passives that state they trigger “On Block” to trigger against unblockable attacks.Cooldown Timers: Fixed an issue where various passives and perks cooldown timers were being removed when swapping weapons or unequipping gear.
Our goal with with some of the changes below is to make the power of Juggernaut weapon mastery tree stand out a bit more from the Crowd Crusher tree, and funnel some of the power of Shockwave’s Rend to the Armor Breaker’s Rend.
Armor Breaker Lasting Trauma: Increased Rend effectiveness from 15% to 20%Opening Act: Increased bonus damage from 15% to 25%Adjusted Armor Breaker’s hit box to make it easier to hit enemies on inclines or that have been knocked down.Mighty Gavel Increased damage scaling from 160% to 170%.Reduced the cooldown from 22s to 20s.Justice For All: Increased damage scaling from 200% to 220%.Wrecking Ball Increased damage from 120% to 130%.Safety Measures: Increased Fortify buff duration from 4s to 7s.Clear Out Swing Away: Fixed an issue where this upgrade was less efficient when striking multiple targets.Shockwave Sundering Shockwave (Item Perk): Reduced the maximum Rend effectiveness from 20% to 10%.Path of Destiny Leeching Path Of Destiny (Item Perk): Fixed a bug that prevented this perk from working when the Stimulated Reduction modifier was equipped.Passives Exhaustive Attacks: Increased stamina regeneration penalty applied by the Exhausted debuff from 15% to 20%
The purpose of the Life Staff adjustments are to move some of the healing power into the light and medium equip loads while reducing some of the power of the tanky healing builds. We also want to make it easier to properly target and heal the correct group members.
Reduced base healing by 20% across the board to account for the increase in healing from equip loadTargeting Adjustments Normalized all targeted healing spells (and target lock-on) to have a max range of 25 meters.Added out of range targeted healing functionality: Group UI will change color when the target is out of range.If the target moves out of range, the spell will cancel instead of casting targeting yourself.Trying to cast a targeted heal on an out of range target will display a “target is out of range” notification.Fixed an issue where targeted heals activated by using the ability key would not perform a direct heal on the intended target.Sacred Ground Fixed an issue where the Life Staff Sacred Ground VFX and tooltip stated it lasted longer than the actual duration.Reduced the effectiveness of the Sacred Ground fortify perk from 3% – 15% to 3% – 10%.Reduced Holy Ground stamina and mana regeneration from 100% to 50%.Fixed an issue that allowed the healing from this skill to be stacked from multiple sources if they were using different ability upgrades.Splash of Light Increased the efficiency of Life Staff’s Splash of Light ability from 40% to 60%.Increased the efficiency of Splash of Light’s Shared Recovery Upgrade from 3% to 5%.Orb of Protection Fixed an issue where the Shared Protection effect was being refreshed by the healing applied by Protector’s Blessing.Mending Protection (Item Perk): This perk’s functionality has been changed. Instead of triggering if the target does not have any active buffs, it now triggers if the target healed by Orb of Protection is under 50% health.Light’s Embrace Increased the efficiency of Light’s Embrace Connection Upgrade from 1% to 2%.Passives Blessed (Item Perk): Reduced healing bonus effectiveness from a range of 10% – 30% to a range of 5% – 20%.
We wanted to buff the Throwing Axe tree to make it more useful, buff the Infected Throw ability to make it more viable as an anti-healing ability, and improve the buffering for heavy attacks to make them more consistent to use. We also worked to resolve issues that resulted in missed hits.
General Fixed an issue where Aimed Throw could be used to cancel basic attacks at any time.Fixed an issue causing heavy attacks to not buffer properly, resulting in some attack transitions not functioning.Fixed an issue causing player’s homed in on a target, the player would be moved to a spot far enough away from the target that the hits could miss due to the hitbox sizes being a bit smaller than the distance the player would be from the target.Berserk Fixed an issue where activating Berserk would consume the Relentless Fury and Accumulated Power empower buffs.Feral Rush Fixed an issue where Feral Rush could be triggered without a cooldown in settlements.Raging Torrent Fixed an issue where some attacks could miss.Infected Throw Increased disease and weakness duration from 5s to 10s.Mortal Power: Increased bonus duration on low health targets from 8s to 15s.Aerial Transmission: Increased the duration of the AoE cloud from 3s to 6s.Rending Throw Reduced cooldown from 15s to 8s.Defy Death Fixed an issue where the Defy Death ultimate cooldown timer was removed when a player died.
Reap Fixed an issue with the great axe reap incorrectly triggering a breakout dodge.Gravity Well Fixed an issue causing the Gravity Well’s slow effect to not always be removed if a player was able to get out of the effect area, resulting in the effect lasting up to 2s longer than intended.Fixed issue where the Gravity Well tooltip wasn’t listing the melee damage caused by the ability if Gravity Well is used in close proximity to a target.Whirlwind Added Grit to Whirlwind.Fortifying Whirlwind (Item Perk): Fixed an issue where this perk applied too many stacks of Fortify.Passives Heavy Pull: Fixed an issue where heavy attacks had incorrect hit boxes when this passive was equipped.The Gravity passive no longer increases the duration of all pulls. We updated the ability to now apply Root for 0.25s to targets hit by a pull.
Bow Primary Attack Fixed an issue that allowed consecutive primary attacks to be fired faster than intended.Updated descriptions for Rain of Arrows, Poison Shot and Splinter Shot to indicate that they cannot headshot.Fixed an issue with several Bow abilities not benefiting from increased damage from higher tier arrows.Evade Shot Go the Distance: This upgrade now applies haste at the end of the ability, rather than at the start, so that the buff duration is not partially lost during the skill animation.Poison Shot Reduced cooldown of Poison Shot from 35s to 30s.Fixed an issue that could cause Poison Shot to go on cooldown without the ability being fired.Rapid Shot Reduced cooldown from 20s to 14s.Rapid Accuracy: Fixed an issue where this upgrade would not reduce the cooldown if the last arrow of Rapid Shot killed the enemy.Rain of Arrows Rain of Arrows no longer hits enemies through doors.Passives Fixed an issue where hip-firing with the bow was triggering the Heightened Precision passive from the Musket ability tree.
Our main goal of the Sword/Shield updates were to make the Leaping Strike ability feel better and to improve the buffering for heavy attacks to make them more consistent.
Fixed an issue where basic attack buffers and cancels weren’t working properly during the Sword heavy attack.Fixed an issue where the fully-charged Sword heavy attack had different timings than the regular heavy attack.Shield Rush Improved Rush: Increased Weaken duration from 4s to 10s.Leaping Strike Reduced cooldown from 25s to 18s.Increased damage scaling from 135% to 150%.Sped up the recovery after using Leaping Strike to make it easier to transition into other attacks.Cowardly Punishment: Updated the description to include the slow percentage value.
We updated the Fire Staff to reduce some of the effectiveness of standard attacks due to how powerful they felt in comparison to certain abilities, and updated some abilities to feel more impactful.
Pillar of Fire Increased damage scaling from134% to 170%.Fixed an issue where Pillar of Fire targets the caster when activated using the ability key.Fixed an issue where Pillar of Fire failed to trigger Runes of Helios when activated using the ability key.Fixed an issue that caused Pillar Of Fire to hit twice against targets near the edge of the effect radius.Meteor Shower Fixed an issue where Runes of Helios triggered on targeting Meteor Shower rather than on casting it.Fireball Added additional clarity that the Fireball ability is not able to crit. Previously it would show the crit damage color, but not actually deal increased damage. It will no longer show orange damage numbers, and an additional tooltip was added.Flame Thrower Increase damage scaling from 34% to 50%.Passives Clear Casting: Reduced damage bonus from 10% to 5%.Clear Mind: Reduced empower effectiveness from 10% to 5%.Runes of Helios: Reduced damage bonus from 30% to 25%.Prophet of a Fire God: Reduced crit damage bonus from 20% to 15%.Spellslinger: Reduced the crit chance bonus from 15% to 10%.Fixed an issue where crit chance was increased for standard attacks and not just abilities.Pyromania: Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15%.Kindle: Fixed an issue causing Kindle to increase buff duration by the incorrect amount.Reheat: Reduced the time (without activating an ability) to trigger Reheat from 6s to 4s.Updated the Singe and Watch it Burn passives to mix up the functionality: Singe went from inflicting Burn on critical hits to triggering Burn on light attacks.Watch it Burn now inflicts burn on critical hits from abilities only.
Our goal was to buff and adjust some of the lesser-used abilities to make a wider selection of abilities feel viable.
Adjusted the distance the player moved towards the target when doing a heavy attack. The heavy attack was pulling the user too close previously, resulting in the Deadly Reach passive not being able to trigger consistently.Sweep Coup de Grace: Increased damage scaling from 125% to 150%.This attack is now flagged as Heavy, allowing it to trigger Heavy-related passives.Skewer Increased bleed damage from 10% to 20%Perforate Increased damage scaling from 70% to 80%Fixed a bug which caused the passive Continuous Motion to not reduce the cooldown of Perforate.Cyclone Increased damage scaling from 110% to 130%Vault Kick Fixed an issue where Vault Kick’s cooldown began 1 frame before the hitbox would appear. This resulted in the ability going on cooldown if the attack was interrupted early, even if it didn’t hit.
Our goal with the Ice Gauntlet was to tone down the effectiveness of some of the maxed out combinations of abilities while still maintaining their individual usefulness.
Heavy Attack – Increased heavy attack start up and recovery time to make it consistent with other magic weapons heavy attack timing.Fixed an issue where Ice Gauntlet movement while attacking was faster than other magic weapons.Fixed an issue where basic attacks on the Ice Gauntlet could sometimes shoot through an enemy without dealing damage if they were too close.Ice Storm Increased time between damage ticks from 0.25s to 0.33sFixed an issue where Ice Storm did no damage if the player had the Unending Thaw item perk.Fixed an issue where Ice Storm didn’t do damage to enemies immune to slow.Fixed an issue where Ice Storm stopped if the caster swapped to their other active weapon.Ice Spike Fixed an issue where Ice Spike displayed a cast timer despite being cast instantly.Wind Chill Increased damage scaling per tick from 16% to 20%.Ice Shower Increased cooldown from 20s to 30s.Entombed Entombed players can no longer be healed.Reduced health of the Tomb to 50% of players max health.Reduced damage of breakout burst attack from 168% to 70%.Fixed an issue where invulnerability on Entomb could be removed while the Tomb was still active.Fixed an issue that allowed players to move while Entombed after dying.Ice Pylon Increased Pylon health by 20%.Added a max lifetime of 45 seconds to the Ice Pylon.Fixed an issue where Ice Pylon could consume mana but wouldn’t activate on slopes, terrain, or off a ledge.Fixed an issue that allowed players to place multiple Ice Pylons at a time by dying and being revived.Fixed an issue with the Ice Pylon targeting neutral players or AI enemies during a 1v1 Duel.Passives Ultimate Chill Reduced Ultimate Chill’s bonus damage from 35% to 25%.Fixed an issue where Ultimate Chill’s ability would not apply to enemies in some cases.Updated Ultimate Chill tooltip wording to better clarify its functionality.Critical Frost: Reduced critical change bonus from 20% to 15%.Energized Critical: Reduced critical damage bonus from 15% to 10%.Heavy Freeze Added a 5 second cooldown to the freeze effect.Fixed an issue that allowed enemies with this passive to root players standing in their own Ice Storm.Fixed an issue where the Iced Refresh item perk could activate on both downing and killing a player. Now it triggers only on downing.
Fixed an issue where Tondo, Flourish, and Fleche had their cooldown begin 1 frame before the hitbox would appear. This resulted in the abilities going on cooldown if the attack was interrupted early even if it did not hit.Flurry Improved the homing of Flurry to fix an issue where subsequent attacks would frequently miss or be hard to hit.Overwhelm: Fixed an issue where this upgrade was incorrectly applying stamina damage instead of just block damage.Tondo Reduced cooldown from 11s to 6s.And Again: Fixed an issue that caused this upgrade to only function on blocking targets.Riposte Cooldown reduced from 20s to 12s.Base Stun duration increased from 1.5s to 2s.Lasting Consequence: Stun duration increased from 2s to 2.5sPassives Momentum: Increased bonus damage from 25% to 30%.Swiftness: Fixed an issue where this passive was granting haste from bleed damage ticks instead of actual weapon hits.
Similar to the balance updates of other weapons, our goal was to buff and adjust some of the lesser-used abilities to make a wider selection of abilities feel viable.
Increased Musket base damage by 2.5%Fixed an issue where the Musket could not be reloaded after dodge rolling then triggering autorun.Fixed an issue where reloading would not automatically resume after an interruption when the player was aiming.Fixed an issue where musket overcharged shots were not being consumed while hip-firing when crouched.Traps Traps can no longer can be triggered by players in Death’s Door.Sticky Bomb Increased damage from 175% to 235%.Stopping Power Reduced cooldown from 18s to 15s.Power Shot Reduced cooldown from 15s to 12s.Shooter’s Stance Reduced cooldown from 20s to 18s.Players can now exit Shooter’s Stance by pressing sprint, the ability key, dodge, Esc, or releasing RMB.Critical Reload Fixed an issue that caused this passive to function inconsistently.
New AI enemies New Lost enemies Withered SwarmancerWithered BeetleLost ShamanLost Alligator PetAncient Guardian Skeleton MageCorrupted Villager Updates The Strong Corrupted Laborer has put down his pickaxe and picked up some weights— now looking larger than ever.Villagers have had their attack sets reviewed and reworked to better differentiate them.
General Fixed an issue where AI could sometimes get pushed to invalid areas causing them to die.Fixed an issue that caused health potions to generate threat.Fixed an issue that caused AI to become unresponsive if a large quantity of players were nearby.Fixed an issue that could cause some objects spawned by bosses to not always despawn when intended.Added hit volumes at the feet of all Brute enemies to ensure attacks from players more consistently register.Elite Affixes Fixed an issue causing slow areas dropped by the Slimy modifier to fall through multi-floor buildings.Fixed an issue causing Phalanx and Slow aura to sometimes attach to an enemy’s feet and move erratically.Fixed an issue causing Slicer to hit a much larger area than intended.Corrupted Breaches Fixed an issue where Breaches could suddenly disappear mid-fight.Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause enemies to not despawn after a Breach was completed.Outpost Rush Fixed an issue that could cause bears to attack the wrong gate if both gates were upgraded to tier 3.Invasion Fixed an issue that allowed players to body block the Spriggan.Reduced the damage of the Invasion Spriggan by 20% across the board.Reduced the damage the Invasion Spriggan deals to structures by 50%.Ancient Guardian Ancient Mage The Ancient Mage is no longer immune to stuns.Reduced the damage of the Ancient Mage’s close range Blastaway spell.Fixed an issue preventing some Ancient Guardian AI from properly retreating.Fixed an issue causing some Ancient Guardian AI to strafe indefinitely.Angry Earth Dryad Archer Dryad Archer’s leaping spread shot should now more consistently hit the player.Dryad Prowler Fixed an issue that made Prowler “T-pose” when hit by some attacks.Corrupted Corrupted Acolyte Fixed an issue causing Corrupted Acolytes to be immune to crowd control effects.Dynasty Trainee Fixed an issue that caused the Dynasty Trainee to not deal damage.Corrupted Commander Fixed an issue that could cause the Commander to repeatedly do his dash attack.Yonas the Corrupted Reduced the model size of Yonas the Corrupted.Reduced the self healing on Yonas so he is more manageable encounter for a single player.Dynasty Summoner Fixed an issue making the Dynasty Summoner heal for significantly more health than intended during his retreat.Corrupted Villagers Fixed an issue that allowed Corrupted Villagers to chase players forever.Void Destroyer Fixed an issue allowing the Void Destroyer’s laser to shoot players through the fort’s wall.Lost Lost Porter Fixed an issue that caused Lost Porters to be unable to correctly retreat.Drowned Sailors Fixed an issue that allowed Sword & Shield Drowned to block while using combo attacks.Fixed an issue that could cause Drowned Mariners to get stuck on geometry.Pistoleer Fixed an issue where the Pistoleer would use melee attacks to attack out-of-range targets. The Pistoleer will now better use its ranged attacks.Withered Fixed an issue preventing Withered enemies from killing players in Death’s Door.Fixed an issue that could cause the Withered Grunt to get its head stuck in a fence.Brutes Fixed an issue with height of Brute characters that allowed them to get stuck in doorways.Fixed an issue causing the Pirate Brute’s cannon to get stuck to his hand if staggered while in a cannon attack.Wildlife Boars Fixed an issue that would cause Boars to behave erratically if a player shot a projectile near them.Fixed an issue causing boars to instantly turn rather than smoothly turning while walking.Fixed an issue with the hit volumes on large boars so they can be hit more consistently by attacks.Alligators Fixed an issue where Alligators could get stuck trying to attack players who are above them.Elk Fixed an issue where Elk could get stuck in doorways or inside buildings.Peacocks Fixed an issue where Peacock kills were counting as Turkey kills.Bears Fixed an issue where the left and right reaction for Bears was reversed.Reduced visible reaction hits on Bears when staggered.Fixed an issue that could cause Bears to get stuck in trees.Cats Disabled Cats ability to look at and track the player with their head when stunned.Wolf Tuned the lunge attack on some wolves to have a smaller homing angle and to give players a more consistent window of time to dodge the attack.Toned down the player reaction to wolf attacks so that players are now pushed more smoothly instead of snapping to a new location.Stanley Resolved a behavioral issue sometimes allowing Stanley to get stuck running in place.
Amrine Excavation Simon Grey Adjusted Simon’s affixes to always be the same static effects between each spawn.Fixed an issue causing him to not pause summoning minions after all of his minions are killed.Foreman Nakashima Adjusted Nakashima’s affixes to always be the same static effects between each spawn.The Depths Archdeacon Azamela Fixed an issue allowing his hounds to be repeatedly killed for experience and loot.Fixed an issue causing hounds to not play proper spawn animations.Fixed a rare issue where Azamela would try to attack players outside of his arena.Fixed an issue where the teleporters could be left on after a team wipe.Fixed an issue causing teleport VFX to not apply to the player.Fixed an issue causing his obelisks to not show beam VFX.Fixed an issue that allowed the Corrupted Carapace over Captain Thorpe’s teleporter to be damageable by enemies.Fixed an issue that made Skerryshiv Acolyte enemies immune to all crowd control debuffs.Dynasty Shipyard Commander Chen Tightened up Commander Chen’s damage volumes so that he deals more consistent damage in the expected locations.Isabella’s Pets Fixed an issue where Isabella wouldn’t look at the player she was targeting with her pistol shot.Fixed an issue where the death of Isabella’s tigers could empower the AI outside of the arena.Fixed an issue causing Isabella to only deal strike damage.Empress Fixed an issue causing the Dragon Breath spell to kill players in Death’s Door.Fixed an issue causing Pearl Pedestals to continue casting even after death.Fixed an issue causing Pearl Pedestal’s hitbox to be too high.Adjusted timing on Dragon Dive so that it is less likely to hit players before the visual appears.Fixed an issue causing Corruption Blast to be difficult to block for players who are very close (such as the group’s tank).Fixed an issue causing the Empress to be vulnerable to damage during specific animations while in phase 2.Garden of Genesis Alluvium Marl Fixed an issue causing his minions to be level 57 instead of 66.Fixed an issue causing Alluvium’s Dive attack to sometimes deal no damage.Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause players to become stuck in Alluvium Marl’s Root Arena wall.Blighted Greenskeeper Fixed an issue preventing the small poison pools from dealing proper damage.Reduced damage of Siren Scream by 15%.Lazarus Instrumentality Cilla Fixed an issue where Cilla’s staff phase would last too long, causing the conduits to become out of sync with her Arcane Might stacks.Chardis Fixed a rare issue that allowed Chardis’ beam to continue after all players were dead.Slightly increased the damage volume size in Chardis’ armpits for more consistent hits.Fixed an issue that prevented Chardis from taking bonus damage from the Ancient Bane perk.Fixed an issue that prevented the Ice Gauntlet’s “Entomb” from being damaged by Chardis’ laser.Fixed an issue that allowed Chardis to be damaged by throwing hatchets from outside of his arena.Fixed several issues that prevented Chardis and his Lazarus Orbs from being damaged by player abilities.
Avarice Fixed an issue that allowed Avarice’s minions to drop loot.Baines Reduced the model size of Baines.
Faction Change Cooldown has been reduced to 60 days (down from 120).Repair Kit Weight has been reduced from 2.0 to 0.1. We felt 2.0 was too heavy and 0.1 is not very heavy at all. It should be easy to keep a few at the ready in your back-pocket.Added the item Chunk of Consecrated Iron to the top rank of the Faction Shop for all factions. Chunks of Consecrated Iron are used to craft the Resilient perk for armor items.
All Trading Posts have been linked. Both the listing tax and purchase tax will be paid to the territory where the buy or sell order was listed.Items listed in sell orders that expire are returned to the Settlement from which they were posted.It is no longer possible to place items on the trading post for 28 days. The maximum is now 14 days.Reduced Durability lost from PvP deaths by 10%.Reduced the quantity of honey gained from apiaries by 50% and the amount of milk from cows by 65%. Honey trees are unaffected by this change. We made this change because the volume of milk and honey in the world is higher than our initial estimates. The bees and cows are happy about this change.Housing taxes are now due every 7 days instead of every 5 days. No changes to cost, so players will gain 2 days of housing time without an increase to their taxes.
Reduced Territory Standing gains from Cooking, as they were a bit more generous when compared to similar efforts put into other Crafting Trade Skills.Updated a Harplass Homestead town project to now require 1 mission item instead of 5.Increased the XP requirements for progressing Crafting Trade Skills. Once players unlock a new tier of recipes (e.g. Iron > Steel), the XP requirements to continue progressing by just crafting things at the previous tier will be significantly diminished. However, it should still take the same amount of effort to progress the crafting skill if you craft items in the highest tier you are capable of crafting.
Potion Crafting Update We felt that some of the higher-tier core potions (particularly Health Potions and Mana Potions) were a little too difficult to craft, so we updated the recipes to craft these items and introduced a new alchemical component to do so: Alkahest.Alkahest is crafted by distilling the magical herbs found throughout Aeternum and serves as a reliable and potent base for potions going forward.Rare Resources from Gathering Nodes Thanks to reports in the forums, we found a probability issue with rare resources from T2/3/4 gathering nodes and resolved it. Thanks to everyone who contributes to making New World better with your reports!The short version is we had a couple of probabilities that were multiplying each other resulting in a near-zero chance of some already-rare items dropping. This combined with an issue that could make it next to impossible for an item to drop if your luck values were too high (not exactly how luck should work!), which translated into a “luck sweet spot” that you had to be in to even have a chance (that near-zero chance) at getting a drop.With this fix, things like Fae Iron, Voidmetal, Phasefiber, and Petrified Wood should now have an appropriate chance to drop after you reach a certain Trade Skill level. This chance can be increased by eating the appropriate Trade Skill when gathering.Trade Skill foods also enables the possibility for these to drop before you would ordinarily be able to receive them based on your Trade Skill level alone, albeit at a very rare rate.Fishing Opening fishing mission now requires 3 woodlouse bait instead of 5.
Added several new named items as special drops from named Knights found in the world. Knights that are quest targets don’t have special drops.Added a new style of weapons that drop from the Knight enemy type.Rook’s Defense Tower Shield now has a tower shield appearance instead of a kite shield appearance.Added a set of weapons designed by the participants of the Battle for New World event. These weapons are Tier 5 and capable of being Legendary if they roll a Gear Score of 600.
Players can no longer create buy orders for items that cannot exist.Fixed an issue that was causing bread and cheese baits from being craftable at Kitchens.Players can no longer post sell orders when their storage is full.Fixed an issue that was causing Boars and Alligators to grant more Skinning XP than intended.Fixed an issue that could cause players to come across bags of discarded items not belonging to them and couldn’t be correctly interacted with.Fixed an issue that prevented Town Project mission items from resetting the mission’s state when dropped.Fixed an issue that was causing quick left-mouse button (LMB) taps when reeling in a fish to cause the reeling to happen automatically, which could make it very difficult to control the line tension.Fixed an issue that was causing higher-tier common items to drop from certain low level enemies.Fixed an issue that was causing small and large Starmetal and Orichalcum veins to give the opposite amount of ore when mined.Fixed an issue with a Syndicate armor piece that was causing it to have a much higher gear score (and by extension, level requirement) than it should. Please note that this fix will affect existing instances of that item.Fixed an issue that was causing Gold and Platinum ingots to require a Smelter one tier higher than they should.Fixed an issue that was causing some named crafted items to present as Legendary but craft as Epic. Now they should appropriate preset as Epic.Fixed an issue that was allowing Fire Staves to be crafted with unrefined woods.Added new craft mods to the game to account for a small number of perks that could roll on items but were unable to be assigned in crafting.Fixed an issue where some craft mods were dropping in game but were unable to be traded on the Trading Post. Similarly, the Trading Post listed some craft mods that were deprecated and not dropping – these have also been removed as list-able on the Trading Post.We removed some deprecated and nonfunctional craft mods from drop lists. If you possessed one of these items, it has been changed to a different, functional item: Starmetal Arcanist’s Charm has been converted to Steel Arcanists’s Charm.Starmetal Armorer’s Charm has been converted to Steel Armorer’s Charm.Starmetal Chef’s Charm has been converted to Steel Chef’s Charm.Sliver of Corrupted Matter has been converted to Shard of Corrupted Matter.Starmetal Jewelcrafter’s Charm has been converted to Steel Jewelcrafter’s Charm.Orichalcum Traveler’s Charm has been converted to Starmetal Traveler’s Charm.Drop of Viscous Azoth has been converted to Vial of Viscous Azoth.Squirming Vines has been converted to Tangle of Writhing Briar.Writhing Vines has been converted to Clump of Writhing Briar.Thrashing Vines has been converted to Clump of Writhing Briar.Shard of Wyrdwood Resin has been converted to Resin Shavings.Chunk of Wyrdwood Resin has been converted to Resin Shavings.Vial of Wyrdwood Sap has been converted to Vial of Sap.Draught of Wyrdwood Sap has been converted to Draught of Sap.Fixed an issue that caused attribute mods to not be usable as an ingredient when crafting repair kits.Fixed an issue that caused repair kits to charge a coin fee when used.Fixed an issue that caused certain pieces of Weapon-smithing armors to not drop (Chest/Pants).
Players can now individually block company invites, group invites, friend invites, coin transfer, trade requests, duel requests and chat direct messages.Choosing the full “Do Not Disturb” will turn of all in-coming notifications.Added notifications to the sending player to let them know their invites or requests are blocking when sending to a player actively using streamer mode.
Added a tooltip on damaged gear indicator explaining how to repair. Added the damaged gear indicator to the inventory screen when a player has damaged gear.Added a tutorial pop-up to better explain repair parts.Highlighted “Repair All” and “Repair” buttons to make them clearer.
We now prevent players from locking in player-to-player trades that would result in inventory overflow.Players near the coin cap are prevented from doing trades that would cause one player to exceed the cap and therefore lose coin.Added a quest icon and highlight animations to crafting items that are required for quests.Fixed a bug that caused titles to be reset after each game update.Added proper icons to a number of items that were missing icons in the Trading Post.Leaving a group during a War caused you to leave the War without warning. Players can no longer leave groups during War, but they can leave the War after confirming they want to do so.Fixed a bug where sometimes the tier of crafting and refining stations shown on the map flyout were wrong.Added a confirmation prompt when attempting to “Take All” from the storage shed to avoid annoying accidental misclicks.We now show an icon to members of your own faction when they are flagged. This should help players determine if they have nearby reinforcements or sufficient numbers for a PvP engagement.Upcoming War and Invasion tooltip on the map will now remain closed and not reappear when you open the map if you’ve closed the notification, until the next War or Invasion.If foreign language strings are missing, it will no longer show debug strings, it will show the English text instead for better context.
Fixed an issue where chests in Lazarus Instrumentality and Garden of Genesis were not properly contributing to the high water mark system.Fixed issues preventing Gear Score 600 Arcana Weapons from being crafted.T5 Weapon Smithing pants now drop from the named enemy “Entropy” which enables players to complete their full set of Weapon Smithing apparel.Increased coin gained from Expedition bosses starting in Starstone by 25%, and ramping up to endgame Expedition bosses granting an additional 100%.