New Xbox Chat Feature Will Mute Your Gross Breathing

Xbox Series X and S players are now able to mute their microphone breathing with the new noise suppression feature.

The feature was added to the current-gen consoles recently with the latest system update and isn’t just targeted toward minimizing the sound of players’ breathing over party chat but also background noise, controller clicking, and other irritating noises that can be picked up easily by a microphone.

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Microsoft explained that although noise suppression will be enabled by default, players will be able to toggle the feature on and off when they want.

“If you want to keep some types of background noise in your parties, like music, you can also turn noise suppression off,” a new Xbox support note explains. “Just open the guide, scroll to Parties & chats, and select Options. There you can enable or disable noise suppression.”

The new noise suppression software is very similar to Discord’s noise gate and Nvidia’s noise filtration feature and should improve the overall chat experience on Xbox Series X and S.

The same console update also included the ability to jump into a game from viewing a friend’s game clips and screenshots by tapping the ‘Play’ icon. This feature allows the viewer to start playing right away from their mobile device or PC with cloud gaming.

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About Demi Williams

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