Next Genshin Impact Update Will Add Resin To Battle Pass Rewards

Genshin Impact developer Mihoyo has released a small Q&A giving players a look at some of the quality of life changes coming in Update 1.3. The most interesting are the ones that involve resin, with the developer now confirming that resin costs for events will be permanently reduced and that players will get an extra source of fragile resin from the battle pass.

The next battle pass will add one Fragile Resin, which can be redeemed for 60 Original Resin, at every 10 levels in both battle pass streams, starting from level five. This means players will have access to an extra five fragile resin for free players and 10 extra for those who purchase the Gnostic Hymn battle pass.

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As Genshin Impact’s answer to a timer mechanic, resin has been controversial from the start. It already went through one big change in the game’s first major update, when Mihoyo increased the max resin stack from 120 to 160, and added the ability to craft Condensed Resin to save unused resin for later.

With fragile resin mostly being given as an Adventure Rank reward, or as rewards for achievements in the Adventurer’s Logbook, players over AR50 find those drops become few and far between as the levelling process slows down. The only other option to refill resin without waiting is to use primogems, which are also used to buy wishes to acquire more characters.

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Along with the extra Fragile Resin rewards, Mihoyo has also said that future events in 1.3 will not require resin unless there are Ley Line Outcrops or Domains involved. This was trialed in the recent Chalk Prince event, when all the event’s rewards could be redeemed without any resin. “The vast majority of large-scale events in future versions will also not consume Original Resin,” Mihoyo said.

The blog post also hints at some other updates coming in 1.3, including controller support for iOS players, the implementation of pre-installation on mobile (after it was tested for PC in the last update), and a change that’ll make the weapon upgrade process easier.

Update 1.3 is expected in February when the current battle pass and banner wrap up. While Mihoyo hasn’t officially announced anything about the update’s content, players expect to see Anemo character Xiao as a banner character, along with a Lantern Rite Festival event.

About Hayley Williams

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