Next WoW Expansion Set To Be Revealed April 19

The next World of Warcraft expansion will be revealed April 19, with the official reveal of Blizzard’s Warcraft mobile game coming in May.

Additional details on the new expansion are scarce, with Blizzard in a blog post only stating that it’s “excited to show you what we’ve been working on and where your adventures in Azeroth will go next.”

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Now Playing: World Of Warcraft – Eternity's End: Raid Preview

The final part of the last raid for the game’s current Shadowlands expansion, the Sepulcher of the First Ones, will unlock March 8. Blizzard didn’t allow players to test the final raid battles on the game’s public test realm, meaning boss mechanics and new story details (including hints as to where the game’s story will go next) are still a mystery.

Based on past comments from Blizzard, fans have speculated the next expansion will return players to Azeroth following the cosmic-afterlife adventures of Shadowlands. Normally the game’s next expansion is known long before the final raid of the current expansion, as Blizzard typically would announce new content at its annual BlizzCon event in November. Instead, 2021 saw a BlizzConline event, with something similar planned for early 2022. That ultimately didn’t come to pass, with this year’s BlizzCon canceled for reasons likely including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and recent sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuits. Blizzard has stated it will be taking the time normally used for planning the event to instead reimagine its future.

Blizzard’s mobile Warcraft game has been in the works for several years now. What it will entail exactly is unclear, but Blizzard is making the important distinction of stating that the game is set in the Warcraft universe but does not seem to be directly related to World of Warcraft proper.

About Cameron Koch

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