Adventure Week is back for 2022, kicking off the brand-new Season of Go with a week of Rock-type and Fossil Pokemon. The event will begin on Tuesday June 7 at 10 AM in trainers’ local time, and continue until Sunday June 12 at 8 PM.
The event brings two new Rock-type Pokemon into Pokemon Go for the first time–Tyrunt and Amaura–the two fossil Pokemon introduced for Pokemon X and Y. Trainers can either hatch the new Pokemon from 7km Eggs obtained during the event, or encounter them by doing Field Research tasks.
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As well as the debuting Pokemon, lucky trainers will have the chance to catch Shiny Tirtouga and Shiny Archen for the first time in Pokemon Go. A number of other Rock-type and Fossil Pokemon will be spotlighted during the event, in wild encounters, Raids, and Field Research, with the following Pokemon appearing more often:
Wild Encounters
One-StarGeodudeAlolan GeodudeSudowoodoRoggenrolaThree-StarRhydonShuckleTyranitarAggronFive-StarGroudonMegaMega Aerodactyl
Field Research
For the duration of the event, trainers will get double XP for spinning PokeStops, as well as five times bonus XP for spinning a PokeStop for the first time.
Niantic has also teased a potential Ultra Unlock for this event, which will be activated if trainers complete at least 20 Global Challenges during this weekend’s Global Pokemon Go Fest.