Nier Replicant Guide: How To Get All The Weapons For The Endings (Spoiler-Free)

There are a total of five endings in Nier Replicant and seeing all of them is important for getting the entire picture of the game’s incredible story, and one of the endings is completely new even for those who’ve played the original Nier. However, each ending leads to changes in subsequent playthroughs and you need to do certain things in those playthroughs in order to unlock them all. We have a guide on how to get all the endings in Nier Replicant, which provides the specific steps necessary, but they’re inherently tied to collecting all the weapons in the game. That’s where this guide comes in.

A total of 33 weapons make up Nier Replicant’s roster of blades, which are divided up in three categories: one-handed swords, two-handed swords, and spears. Some can be purchased, and some must be earned in quests or found out in the wild. A couple can be obtained with multiple methods. It’s not too complicated, though. Here, we tell you where and how to get them, because Endings C, D, and E can only be accessed if you have all of them in your inventory before you finish your third playthrough. You must complete a third playthrough to see them even if you have acquired all the weapons by the end of playthrough 2, which is not difficult.

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The details and explanations for how and where to get these weapons will be as spoiler-free as possible, so don’t worry about that. For more on this upgraded version of the game, be sure to read my Nier Replicant review, and if you’re already playing, refer to my spoiler-free endings guide to make sure you’re covered.

Weapons Acquired Through The Story

Nameless BladeThis is your first weapon. Congrats!MoonriseOn your way to the Seafront for the first time, you’ll come across a man being attacked by Shades. Help him and you’ll receive this weapon.RebirthYou’ll receive this after a major story event in Facade in the story’s first act.KusanagiAutomatically in your inventory at the start of the second act.TransienceAutomatically in your inventory at the start of the second act.Ancient OverlordYou’ll receive this after a major story event in Facade in the story’s second act.Iron WillCompleting a main quest in the Junk Heap in the second act will reward you with this weapon. You’ll quip about getting it a second time on your next playthrough.Iron PipeYou will automatically get the Iron Pipe in time for your third route, but it can be acquired earlier through the sidequest “The Magical Stone” if you want.If you want to do the sidequest, it’ll be available at the Forest of Myth just before heading to the final dungeon. You then need to go see Popola, then head to the Lost Shrine rooftops and fight a huge Shade there. Return to the Forest of Myth quest-giver. In this next scenario, be on the lookout for the Iron Pipe pickup in this area.

Purchasable Weapons

Money might be hard to come by in Nier Replicant, but doing sidequests (especially in the second act of the main story) will get you a good chunk of change. You can also sell materials you collect from enemies, as long as you don’t need them for upgrading a weapon you want to use. Plenty of valuable materials can be farmed in the Junk Heap, especially if you equip Words in your loadout that boost your item drop rate.

Lily-Leaf SwordAvailable at the Village weapon shop in the first act.BeastbainAvailable at the Village weapon shop in the first act.Earth Wyrm’s ClawAvailable at the Facade weapon shop in the first act.Axe of BeheadingAvailable at the Village weapon shop in the second act.SunriseAvailable at the Village or The Aerie weapon shops in the second act.Phoenix DaggerAvailable at the Seafront weapon shop in the second act.Vile AxeAvailable at the Seafront weapon shop in the second act.Spear of the UsurperAvailable at the Seafront weapon shop in the second act.Captain’s Holy SpearAvailable at the Facade weapon shop in the second act.Phoenix SpearAvailable at the Facade weapon shop in the second act.

Weapons Found In Exploration

Nirvana DaggerFound in a box on the upper levels of the Lost Shrine in the first act.Blade of TreacheryFound in Emil’s Mansion near the save point before a boss fight in the first act.Fang of the TwinsFound in a box in Emil’s Mansion (underground) in the second act.The Devil QueenFound in a box near a ladder along the rear entrance path of the Lost Shrine in the second act.BeastlordFound in a box at the rooftops of the Lost Shrine in the second act.BeastcurseFound in a box in the Junk Heap just before a boss fight in the second act.Phoenix SwordFound in a box in the first room of the game’s final dungeon.Dragoon LanceFound in a box just before a spiral staircase in the game’s final dungeon.

Weapons Obtained Through Sidequests

FaithComplete all the text adventure sidequests in the Forest of Myth and talk to the mayor in the first act.Labyrinth’s WhisperComplete the sidequest “A Bridge in Peril” in your village during the second act.Labyrinth’s SongComplete the sidequests “A Shade Entombed” then “Disturbing the Sleep of Kings” in Facade during the second act.”A Shade Entombed” is available after you’ve completed your main quest in Facade for the second act. Completing this sidequest will unlock “Disturbing the Sleep of Kings,” which is the one that’ll grant you the weapon.Labyrinth’s ShoutComplete the sidequest “The Damaged Map,” which starts in your village, by talking to the weapon shop owner later in the second act.”The Damaged Map” has you going on a wild goose-chase, but the main concern is obtaining Machine Oil, which is a required item for the quest.The best way to do this is to equip Words to your loadout that boost item drop rate. Then head to Junk Heap B2 and destroy the floating robot enemies–they are the ones that drop Machine Oil. You can continually do this by exiting and entering B2 and going back to a specific corridor that spawns them (see screenshot below).

“15 Nightmares” Weapons

The 15 Nightmares content (which was originally DLC) can be accessed during your Route B playthrough. You start it by inspecting the left-most shiny object in the protagonist’s house. It’s a series of combat arenas, which shouldn’t be too hard if you’re level 30 and up. There are three sets of five battles, and while the third set can be challenging, you don’t need to complete it all the way through.

Fool’s EmbraceAwarded for completing the third fight in the first set of battles in the 15 Nightmares side content.Fool’s LamentAwarded for completing the third fight in the second set of battles in the 15 Nightmares side content.Fool’s AccordAwarded for completing the third fight in the third set of battles in the 15 Nightmares side content.

About Michael Higham

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