Nintendo Confirms No Switch Price Hike In Wake Of PS5 Increase

Nintendo will not raise the price of the Nintendo Switch, the company has confirmed in the wake of Sony’s decision to hike the price of the PlayStation 5 around the world (but not in the US).

In a statement to Eurogamer, Nintendo said it has “no plans to increase the trade price of its hardware.”

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“While we cannot comment on pricing strategies, we currently do not have any plans to change the price of our hardware due to inflation or increased procurement costs in each country,” Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa said in the statement. “We will determine our future pricing strategies through careful and continued deliberations. While the final price to consumers is always determined by retailers… Nintendo has no plans to increase the trade price of its hardware.”

This follows a statement from Microsoft that was less direct. The company said it is “constantly evaluating” its business to “offer our fans great gaming options.” The statement also pointed to the existing MSRPs for the Series S and Series X, but the statement never flat-out denies a potential price hike.

Nintendo’s statement is no surprise, as the company previously said it would not raise the price of the Switch despite growing costs due to component issues and shipping considerations. Nintendo is, however, decreasing the size of Switch packaging to help with shipping issues.

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PlayStation boss Jim Ryan said the PS5 price increase was a “necessity given the current global economic environment and its impact on SIE’s business.” The console is getting about 10% more expensive in around 45 global markets, but not the United States, due in part to the value of the US dollar.

About Eddie Makuch

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