The latest 14.1.1 firmware update for the Nintendo Switch is here, but the patch notes are brief, offering little beyond unspecified stability improvements. The patch is only a minor one, with the last lot of major changes having been added with patch 14.0.0, which was released on March 21.
The latest update was released on April 18, and includes only one item in the patch notes, promising general improvements to system stability and user experience. The update should automatically download upon starting up your console, but players can also check their system version and manually start the update from the System Settings menu.
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The most recent patch 14.1.0 was released on April 5, and added a new notification system for unclaimed Platinum Points, as well as the option for players to toggle them off.
The Switch’s next big game is Nintendo Switch Sports, which is due to release on April 29, bringing a new take on the series started with Wii Sports to the Switch. Another hotly anticipated Switch game, Breath of the Wild 2, has been delayed into 2023.
Ver. 14.1.1 (Released April 18, 2022)
General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.