Having now entered its fifth year, the Nintendo Switch console is doing great business and the company isn’t in a rush to introduce new hardware to the market, according to Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser.
“We are always looking at technology and how technology can enhance gameplay experiences,” Bowser explained to The Washington Post. “It’s not technology for technology’s sake. It’s how specifically can technology enhance a gameplay experience. And then where do you apply that technology? Do you want to apply it on current existing hardware or platforms, or do you want to wait for the next platform? And then what’s the right gameplay experience with that? There’s a host of factors that goes into it, and it’s something we’re always looking at.”
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Bowser added that Nintendo is currently focused on its upcoming slate of games that cater to a diverse audience, a key pillar of the company’s business strategy. Nintendo has also been branching out into other areas with its biggest intellectual properties, reaching the mobile gaming space, partnerships with Lego, and the creation of several theme parks around the world.
Nintendo has spent approximately $880 million in research and development during its last financial year, with the bulk of the money going towards increased software and outsourcing costs for the Nintendo Switch. While the company is constantly researching new technology and how it can be used in its next console, R&D spending also went towards online investments.
Until Nintendo is ready to reveal a Switch Pro upgrade or a true next-gen console, the current model has a very large base of users to cater to. Over 85 million Switch consoles have been sold, with Nintendo’s first-party games being regular best-sellers.
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