No Man's Sky's Interceptor Update Adds A New Starship And Corrupted Worlds

Hello Games has released the latest No Man’s Sky update, Interceptor. This free update is available to all players (including Game Pass subscribers) and is one of the largest in recent memory.

Most notably, the Interceptor update sends players on a quest to expand their fleet with a new Sentinel Interceptor starship. But doing so will be no easy task, as players will need to explore corrupted planets ridden with robot guardians. These worlds are full of secret gear and other interesting things to see, including crashed interceptors.

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These deadly new worlds will throw players against Corrupted Sentinels, which are formidable semi-arachnid machines. Corrupted Sentinels wield flamethrowers and can attack players with long-range explosives, posing a threat to anyone who crosses their paths.

Players will also get to fly Sentinel ships for the first time, offering a look at Interceptor cockpits up close.

Another notable addition throws players into massive Capital Ship Battles for the first time. Defeating a Sentinel freighter will force nearby Interceptors to retreat (and grants valuable rewards).

The Interceptor update also includes new VR features including movable wrist projectors. This new feature allows players to move VR interfaces, offering much more control than before.

There are plenty of other new features included as part of the Interceptor update, including new Sentinel Ship Technology, improvements to the Sentinel Quad, fresh missions, and a slew of gameplay fixes across the board.

No Man's Sky Next: The 9 Most Bizarre Discoveries (So Far)See More

About Joseph Yaden

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