Nvidia is among the companies set to showcase its wares as part of the 2022 Consumer Electronics Show, and that starts today with Nvidia’s “special address” livestream. Coming off of a 2021 filled with continued supply issues surrounding its 30-series graphics cards, the company’s CES showcase will highlight these cards. Nvidia’s official website mentions “the latest breakthroughs in accelerated computing from design and simulation to gaming and autonomous vehicles” among what to expect–but specific products have not been named.
Nvidia CES 2022 Special Address Start Time
The Nvidia CES 2022 Special Address kicks off January 4 at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET. Multiple Nvidia accounts have posted teasers for the event–including Nvidia Creators and Nvidia GeForce–indicating a few areas that will be featured.
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Now Playing: NVIDIA Special Address CES 2022 Livestream
8 AM PT10 AM CT11 AM ET4 PM GMT3 AM AET (January 5)
How To Watch The Nvidia CES 2022 Special Address
Nvidia has confirmed via its website that the CES 2022 Special Address will be available for viewing on the official Nvidia Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube pages, as well as on IBM Video. You can also watch along with the stream embedded above.
Considering what’s been teased by Nvidia, we’re expecting a major focus on creators and gamers, the latter specifically through GeForce Now. While we don’t expect to hear about a new line of graphics cards, an update on the 30-series’s stock issues would make sense.