A new post on the Oculus blog has shared some details on how successful the Quest standalone headset has been for VR game developers. It says that, as of February 2021, over 60 titles on the store are generating over $1 million in revenue, while six titles are making over $10 million.
As a standalone device that doesn’t require a souped-up PC connection, the Oculus Quest lowered the barrier to entry for VR, and now developers are reaping the profits. The post not only explains how many developers are making millions through the Quest Store, but also shows that the number of developers passing that mark is rising rapidly, especially since the launch of the Quest 2.
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When the Quest 2 came out in September last year, over 35 titles had generated revenue numbering in the millions. Just four and a bit months later, that number was almost doubled, with over 60 titles reaching the million-dollar benchmark.
The post’s author, VP of content Mike Verdu, also singles out high-performing individual titles such as Beat Saber and Population: One, which has made over $10 million just through Oculus Quest. Not all the highest-performing software is strictly for gaming, however–Verdu also mentions that fitness app Supernatural has seen big growth since the release of the Quest 2.
Upcoming game releases include Sniper Elite VR, Crytek’s The Climb 2, and Ready At Dawn’s Lone Echo II, though Oculus also hopes to expand its audience beyond gamers with more fitness and social apps like Supernatural or Facebook Horizon.